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  • Tracey Holdsworth, (Chair), NSPCC Cymru 
  • Mike Clark, TGP Cymru 
  • Laura Fordes, Family Justice Young People’s Board (FJYPB) 
  • Oliver Marshall-Critchley, Family Justice Young People’s Board (FJYPB) 
  • Lauren Shepherd, Family Justice Young People’s Board (FJYPB) 
  • Kate Thomas, Cafcass Cymru 
  • Paul Apreda, FNF Both Parents Matter Cymru 
  • Sarah Coldrick, Association of Fostering, Kinship and Adoption (AFKA) Cymru 
  • Caroline Rawson, Special Needs Advisory Project (SNAP) Cymru 
  • Rebecca Jones, PHD Student 
  • Sean O’Neill, Children in Wales 
  • HHJ Jayne Scannell, Judiciary 
  • Sara Kirkpatrick, Welsh Women’s Aid 
  • Nigel Brown, Cafcass Cymru 
  • Matthew Pinnell, Cafcass Cymru 
  • Gwyneth Roberts, Cafcass Cymru (Secretariat)

Welcome and Apologies

Apologies were received from: 

  • Gareth Jenkins, ADSS Representative 
  • De Litchfield, Cafcass Cymru 
  • Catrin Cracroft, Law Society Representitive 
  • Helal Uddin, Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team Wales (EYST Wales) 
  • Samantha Williams, Learning Disability Wales 
  • Neil Pring, HMCTS 

Nigel welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Tracey Holdsworth as the new chair of the Advisory Committee.

Minutes of Meeting held on 7 March 2023

Members agreed the minutes of the meeting on 7 March 2023 were an accurate record and there were no matters arising. 

Action: There was an action relating to a request from Paul Apreda in respect of the amount Cafcass Cymru pays supervised contact centres. Nigel Brown informed members of the amount paid to these services.

Relinquished Children Report

Kate Thomas provided a detailed power point presentation on the information collected in respect of children who had been relinquished. The presentation was very thorough and well presented. Members asked several questions and thanked Kate for the very informative presentation.

Pathfinder: Update

The Pathfinder Pilot in North Wales was due to end in March 2024, but MoJ has now extended it to March 2025. In addition, they have agreed for it to be rolled out in South East Wales from April 2024. 

HHJ Scannell is the lead Judge for the implementation of the Pathfinder in South East Wales and she confirmed how pleased she is to take on this role.

Childrens Participation in Private Proceedings

A very powerful presentation was delivered by Rebecca Jones on the research she has completed in collating and analysing the experiences of children involved in the Pathfinder Pilot in North Wale. Members asked Rebecca a range of questions and expressed their thanks for delivering such a comprehensive and informative report so clearly.

FJYPB Presentation

The FJYPB gave a very thorough and well-presented presentation on the work they have undertaken over recent months. 

All members gave their thanks and provided positive feedback on the presentation by members of the FJYPB.


There was no AOB and the meeting was brought to a close. 

The next meeting of the committee will be on the 5 th March 2024 between 16:00 – 17:30 via Teams.