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Suitability of investment

Question 1

Provide a description of your farm business, this should include Business details and details of the area (ha) and tenure of the land farmed by the business. 

Question 2

Provide details of all enterprises, including livestock numbers, and details on your current winter housing arrangements for livestock – housing types (cubicles, straw loose housing) and the numbers housed. 

Question 3

Provide details of your current slurry and manure storage. 

Question 4 

Provide the following information to demonstrate your current compliance with the slurry storage requirements of The Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations 2021. 

  • Total volume, in cubic meters, of slurry produced on the holding (including parlour washings and silage clamp runoff if entering the slurry store).
  • Total annual rainfall, in millimetres, during the 5 or 6 month closed period for your location? Rainfall for your location can be found at
  • The total area, in square meters, of uncovered dirty yards and manure storage areas where the rainwater mixes with slurry or enters the store.
  • Current total slurry storage capacity requirement for your holding, in cubic meters, to become compliant.
  • Taking account of the above, what is the total storage capacity required for your holding? (Slurry + rainwater + freeboard).

Submit evidence of slurry storage capacity calculations as supporting documentation.

The following workbook can be used to assist you to evidence slurry storage capacity requirements: Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations 2021: farm workbook 

Guidance to complete the workbook is available at:

Question 5

If you are not currently compliant, provide an explanation as to how the investment will support the farm to reach compliance with The Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations 2021. Explain what additional slurry and/or manure storage capacity is required. 

If you are currently compliant, provide an explanation as to how the investment will support the farm to improve its nutrient management and enhance water, air and soil quality. 

Question 6

Describe the project. Diagrams, images, or photographs of the location should be submitted, to assist in explaining the project location. Include field parcel number and planning reference number, if available. 

Delivery: Project delivery

Provide a project plan / timescale of the key activities and investments. Include references to members of the business and contractors who will have responsibility or will undertake the activity. 

Delivery: Risks and risk management

Recognising there will be risks to a project, no matter how unlikely, it is important to identify potential risks to assist you to manage the project.

Give details of at least the top 5 risks that might affect the delivery of the project and the achievements of outputs and objectives of the project.

Long term sustainability

What impact will the investment have on the long-term sustainability of the business?

Value for money

Show how the project costs have been arrived at by providing a detailed breakdown of the proposed expenditure.

Explain how the costs of the project are considered to be reasonable, taking into account the scope, scale and timescale of the project.

Cross cutting themes

Describe how your project will contribute towards the cross-cutting themes of:

  1. Equality of opportunity and gender mainstreaming
  2. Tackling poverty and social exclusion
  3. The Welsh language

Indicators and outcomes

All supported projects are required to report progress to the Welsh Government against a number of agreed Performance Indicators. These should take into account what measurable contribution this project will make to any or all of the following:

  • number of jobs created or 
  • number of jobs safeguarded
  • volume of new slurry storage installed
  • area of roofing installed
  • number of precision nutrient application items supported

Financial and compliance

The Nutrient Management Investment Scheme offers a maximum grant of 40% or 50%, depending on items selected, with grant towards the cost of investment to a maximum of £50,000. Describe how you intend to fund the investment in addition to the grant. Please provide evidence of funding to support your application. This could be:

  • a letter from a bank or lender confirming funds are available to complete the investment
  • evidence an overdraft facility is available to fund the investment
  • copy of a bank statement as evidence that funds are available for the investment

Checklist of supporting documents

  • evidence of calculations to demonstrate slurry storage requirements of the farm in relation to the Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations 2021. 
  • latest Certified Accounts for the business (for the previous financial year).
  • quotes for each investment item selected on the EoI in accordance with the competitive tendering and procurement rules.
  • evidence of funding available.
  • evidence you have submitted your planning application. 
  • planning Permission, if appropriate and available.
  • sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Approving Body (SAB) approval, if appropriate and available.
  • if you are applying for underfloor channels, roofing over existing yards and livestock yard renewal, provide photographs of the location for these projects.

Items to be recorded as precision nutrient application items

NM12 Vacuum tanker plus Band Spreader or Trailing Shoe

NM13 Vacuum tanker plus Injector (Slurry)

NM14 Pumped tanker plus Band Spreader or trailing shoe.

NM15 Pumped tanker plus Injector (Slurry)

NM16 Band Spreader or trailing shoe

NM17 Umbilical hose plus Band Spreader or trailing shoe

NM18 Umbilical hose plus Injector (Slurry)

NM21 Injector (Slurry)

NM22 Variable rate controller for sprayers and fertiliser spreaders

NM31 GPS for precision farming

NM32 GPS and flow systems for slurry application.