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The Welsh Government’s Programme for Government stresses the importance of giving Wales the strongest possible presence on the World stage and commits to ‘closer economic and research ties with the EU’. Cooperating with other nations and regions will help to:

  • Increase the profile of Wales on the world stage;
  • Grow the Welsh economy;
  • Position Wales as a globally responsible nation.

Joint working provides opportunities to exchange ideas, identify areas of best practice, extend innovation and competitiveness, and address key issues which transcend borders. We want “an Agile Cymru” that looks outward to existing and future UK, European and international partners; to maximise shared opportunities and address shared challenges.

The Regional Council of Brittany and the Welsh Government signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2004, which was renewed in 2023 and which identified a number of areas for co-operation. In 2024, the Regional Council of Brittany and the Welsh Government reaffirmed their commitment to continuing and developing their partnership, and agreed the following priorities for 2024 and 2025:

  • Cultural cooperation
  • Renewable marine energy
  • Cyber security
  • Mobility of young people and learners

It is recognised that the Taith scheme supported by the Welsh Government and the Regional Council of Brittany's strategy for the international mobility of young people will generally address the mobility of young people and learners.

Wales’ Regional Investment Framework highlights how we should build on the activity and networks established through Wales’ participation in a range of European Territorial Co-operation (ETC) programmes.

Horizon Europe provides a major opportunity for Welsh researchers and innovators to collaborate with the best in the world, attract global talent and carry out cutting-edge science and innovation for the benefit of society.

Agile Cymru supports the ‘seeding’ or facilitating of activity that builds cross-border and international partnerships and increases cooperation in areas that have the potential to lead to greater, more sustained economic activity of significance to Wales. It also recognises the importance of cultural collaboration and the social benefits of working across borders.


This initiative encourages applications from organisations operating in Wales that have identified a joint project with a Breton partner which will support the aims of the Memorandum of Understanding. There is a focus on Welsh activity and expenditure before the end of March 2025.

Joint projects are expected to include a Breton partner who is delivering at least 25% of the overall project activity and is funded separately. The Regional Council of Brittany has made funding available for this purpose through its ‘B-Monde Projets – Europe et international’ scheme. Other funding sources are also welcome if appropriate evidence can be provided. Applicants must demonstrate that their proposed activity will suit the requirements and timescales of all funders.

The proposal can include the activity of partners who are neither Welsh nor Breton where the added value is clear. Related costs could be claimed if they are incurred by the Welsh partner, but we advise contacting the Welsh Government’s Agile Cymru Team at an early stage in the development of your proposal to ensure compliance.

A strong application will reflect the strategic context set out above and:

  • Support and build strategic relations with Brittany, reflecting the aims of the Memorandum of Understanding.
  • Create a range of opportunities in an area of significance for the Welsh economy.
  • Directly address one or more of the priority areas: Cultural cooperation, Renewable marine energy, Cyber security.
  • Involve important and relevant organisations or networks in Brittany or France.
  • Transfer international knowledge to Wales that will have a positive impact on Welsh policy priorities.
  • Build on and grow existing activity.
  • Have a clear pathway to bringing in other funding, or another route to ongoing, sustainable economic activity.

All applications will need to demonstrate viability and value for money. We would also expect an appropriate contribution to relevant Agile Cymru outputs and outcomes.

There are no fixed grant thresholds but based on experience the following is a guide:

  • For small projects, such as travel, engagement and consultancy, applicants should bear in mind that up to £3,000 per application may be considered reasonable for Welsh activity.
  • For more strategic projects, such as forming networks, feasibility studies and pilot projects involving significant staff-time and materials, applicants should bear in mind that up to £8,000 per application may be considered reasonable for Welsh activity. Strategic projects would be expected to meet the ‘strong’ criteria above and have the potential for significant impact.

This initiative can support up to 100% of the Welsh partner’s eligible costs where justified. However, Welsh Government may prioritise applications that leverage funding other than Welsh Government or Regional Council of Brittany sources. 

The budget allocated for this initiative is up to £20,000 but we will take into account other commitments and underspends at the time of decision. 

Eligible costs

Unless explicitly stated in this initiative, Agile Cymru rules and procedures apply.

We will not support general trade activity or product marketing. If the primary focus of activity is export, Welsh Government has specific support available which may be more appropriate.

Agile Cymru can support cultural, heritage and sporting projects if the activity proposed has the potential to lead to greater, sustained cooperation of significance to Wales. We are unlikely to support individual artists or performances.

We will not support activity or expenditure after 31 March 2025.

To avoid unintended consequences and inflexibility, we do not specify a closed list of eligible costs, but costs must be necessary for the promotion, implementation and dissemination of the projects agreed through the application process and written offer of grant. They must be reasonable, verifiable and incurred by the applicant. See the Agile Cymru rules and procedures for more details. We also advise that you focus on larger items of expenditure with a robust evidence trail to simplify the claim process. 

Costs incurred before the date of approval are ineligible unless the Welsh Government’s Agile Cymru Team confirms otherwise in writing.

As the Breton partner will be funded separately their costs are ineligible unless the Welsh Government’s Agile Cymru Team confirms otherwise in writing.

If your Breton partner is planning to apply to the Regional Council of Brittany’s ‘B-Monde Projets – Europe et international’ scheme they must meet its rules and procedures. It is worth noting the following aspects of that scheme:

  • Only ‘not for profit’ organisations based in Brittany are eligible for funding.
  • The applicant must have been in legal existence for at least a year.
  • The scheme will only support up to 70% of the relevant eligible costs (for activity with Wales).
  • The applicant must include 10% self-financing in the relevant budget.
  • The applicant must apply at least 3 months before the relevant activity starts.
  • There is flexibility to incur expenditure up to 24 months after the formal approval date.

Submission of applications

We are open to applications now. Given the requirement for a joint project with separate funding for the Breton partner you are strongly encouraged to establish the partner’s commitment and potential funding source before applying. Also, if your proposal is not ‘strong’ as defined above, please contact the Welsh Government’s Agile Cymru Team before submitting an application.  Otherwise, complete the application form and send it to the Welsh Government’s Agile Cymru Team.

Applications will be judged on their fit with the aims of this initiative and Welsh Government will have the final decision. This decision may include offering a lower level of grant than requested. We may seek the advice of relevant specialist and policy colleagues in Wales or in relevant nations/regions. We will work closely with the Regional Council of Brittany on the merits of each application, sharing information and applications as necessary, whether their funding is involved or not.

Eligible applications will be dealt with on a ‘first come, first served’ basis but there will be limited opportunity for further clarification and applications that are not considered strong as defined in this document may be placed on a ‘reserve list’ to allow opportunities for other applications. Welsh Government will also take a portfolio approach in order to manage the balance of risk and range of outcomes. This will include considering the spread of activities across themes, geography and sectors where it will strengthen the overall outcomes of this initiative. We may therefore place applications on the ‘reserve list’ in order to manage portfolio considerations, or for budgetary reasons.

There may also be a need to delay formal approval until the funding package of the joint project is confirmed, for example if the Breton partner is waiting for a funding decision. The Welsh Government will have the final decision on when to approve and on what basis, and may approve in advance of other funding decisions.  However, Welsh partner costs incurred without specific agreement in writing of the Welsh Government’s Agile Cymru Team will be ineligible.