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  • Sharon Lovell (SL) (Chair)
  • Joanne Sims (JS)
  • Lowri Jones (LJ)
  • Marco Gil-Cervantes (MG) 
  • Shahinoor Alom (SA)
  • Simon Stewart (SS)
  • Deb Austin (DA)
  • Dyfan Evans, Head of Youth Engagement Branch, Welsh Government (WG) (DE)
  • Dareth Edwards, Senior Youth Strategy Work Manager, Welsh Government (DaE)
  • Gethin Jones, Senior Youth Work Strategy Manager, Welsh Government (GJ)
  • Donna Robins, Senior Youth Work Strategy Manager, Welsh Government (DR)
  • Kirsty Harrington Youth Work Policy Manager, Welsh Government (KH)
  • Victoria Allen Youth Work Strategy Manager, Welsh Government (VA)
  • Sarah Jarrold, Youth Engagement & Progression Manager, Welsh Government (SJ) 
  • Tom Kitschker, Support for Learners Team Support Officer, Welsh Government (TK)


  • David Williams (DW)
  • Sian Elen Tomos (ST)

Conflicts of interest

None declared.

Previous Board meeting minutes and action points

The Board approved the minutes and action points from the last meeting held on 13 March 2024. 

The Chair noted the Cabinet Secretary for Education had recently approved the extension of Board members term to September 2025.

2024 to 2025 Communication and engagement programme (Overview)

Officials gave an overview of the activities undertaken within the communications and engagement programme during 2023 to 2024, including key activities, successes and challenges. An overview of the programme planned for 2024 to 2025 was also shared with Board members. Officials are still working with CWVYS, who deliver this cross-sector programme on behalf of the Welsh Government, on some details of the full programme – this will be shared with the Board in due course. 

Officials drew attention to one specific activity – an event planned in Ty Hywel in the run up to Youth Work Week, providing an opportunity to update and engage with Senedd members on progress made against the recommendations in ‘Time to Deliver’.

Action: Board members were invited to provide feedback on the outline proposal for the Ty Hywel event with KH.

Youth work funding review (update)

Officials provided an update on second phase of the Youth Work Funding review. Work on the report for this phase of the review had been recently completed, and the report was due to be published shortly. Officials have worked with Learning Disability Wales to produce a ‘easier to read’ version of the report. Once published, officials would be turning to consider the recommendations made within the report.

Mapping and analysing the voluntary youth work sector in Wales (discussion)

Elizabeth Bacon’s thesis - ‘Mapping and analysing the voluntary youth work sector in Wales’ - was shared with the Board prior to the meeting. The paper examines the scope, composition, and nature of the Voluntary Youth Work Sector in Wales and includes recommendations for further research and projects.

Any other business (AOB)

Quality Mark for Youth Work

A procurement process to award a contract for delivery and management of the Quality Mark for Youth Work was recently undertaken. Officials confirmed that this contract, initially for a one-year period with the option to extend for a further two years, has been awarded to the EWC. 

The Board discussed the importance of the Quality Mark and its links to the new Estyn inspection framework.

Anti racist Wales action plan

Officials provided an update on work to feed in to the planned refresh of the Anti‑Racist Wales Action Plan. The Board discussed specific links to the Workforce Development Implementation Participation Group’s work in creating an inclusive environment for all young people in youth work.

It was agreed that a future Board meeting should include a discussion on the Interim Board’s recommendation on equality, diversity and inclusion. 

Action point: KH to include a discussion on equality, diversity and inclusion for a future Board meeting.

Young Person’s residential

Officials updated the Board on plans for a residential session with young people in summer 2024. An open procurement process has been undertaken to appoint a contractor to lead on the design and delivery of this session on behalf of Welsh Government. The evaluation of bids was due to take place shortly, with the aim of meeting with the successful organisation by the end of May. The successful organisation will be required to work closely with the Young People are Thriving IPG in the design of the session.

Board members expressed an eagerness to engage with young people during this session. 

Legislation Taskforce

Following on from discussions at the Board’s meeting in May 2024, a taskforce with representatives from across the youth work sector and other key stakeholders has been established. The group, tasked with advising on specific issues to inform the development of proposals to strengthen the legislative basis for youth work, has met twice, and will continue to meet on a fortnightly basis to mid-June. This work runs alongside wider engagement with the sector and other stakeholders, including via a second phase of ‘Empower Hour’ sessions, which will run from mid May to early June. 

All member IPG

Responding to feedback from Board members, building on the ‘All IPG’ session held in January 2024, DE proposed a similar session was held in early autumn to bring together the sector to update on progress to date and explore specific issues. Board members were supportive of this proposal. Officials will now develop a proposal for a potential theme and structure for this session.

Date of next meeting: Thursday 18 July