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Ystadau Cymru is an important part of the Welsh Government’s strategic approach to managing land and property assets. Collaboration is a key behaviour in the Welsh Government’s own asset management strategy and Ystadau Cymru continues to play a key part as the strategic lead in supporting and promoting the benefits of collaborative asset management across the public sector in Wales.

The annual Ystadau Cymru Awards provide an opportunity to celebrate and promote excellence in the management of the public estate in Wales, achieved through partnership working.

Award criteria

Please see the general eligibility criteria below:

  • The applicant organisation must be from the public sector within Wales and the project delivered in Wales.
  • Projects must have been delivered in collaboration with at least one other public sector, private or third sector partner.
  • Projects must have been delivered between April 2022 and 14 October 2024.

Consider how your project aligns with the work of Ystadau Cymru with its key focus on:

  • Delivering public value from assets
  • Collaborative asset management
  • Building a stronger, greener economy
  • Decarbonisation of the public estate
  • Improving biodiversity
  • Supporting the Foundational Economy
  • Making our cities, towns, and villages better places to live and work
  • Support the development of Community and Remote Working Hubs

Lastly, think about how your project demonstrates the Well-being of Future Generations Five Ways of Working, sustainable development principles: 

Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 – The Future Generations Commissioner for Wales

1. Long-term

The importance of balancing short-term needs with the needs to safeguard the ability to also meet long-term needs

3. Integration

Considering how the public body’s well-being objectives may impact upon each of the well-being goals, on their objectives, or on the objectives of other public bodies.

3. Involvement

The importance of involving people with an interest in achieving the well-being goals and ensuring that those people reflect the diversity of the area which the body serves.

4. Collaboration

Acting in collaboration with any other person (or different parts of the body itself) that could help the body to meet its well-being objectives.

5. Prevention

How acting to prevent problems occurring or getting worse may help public bodies meet their objectives.

Supporting information

Please provide additional evidence to support your application. These should be sent as separate attachments or web links in an e-mail.

Images and logos that help to support and promote your project and the work of YC.

Images should be submitted as high resolution in either a JPEG or PNG file attached separately. Common dimensions are 1024x576, 1280x720 or 1920x1080.

We also invite you to send other supplementary information such as press releases, videos or reports as an optional extra.

Please do not embed documents or photos in the application form.


Testimonials are statements of support that will be used to demonstrate collaboration in your project. We suggest you include one from a sponsor from your organisation and something from your project partners or beneficiaries.

Closing date

5 pm on 14 October 2024.

We expect the Awards to continue in 2025. If you are lacking evidence, for instance of impact, you may wish to consider delaying submitting your application until next year.

Useful tips

Here are some things to consider in your application:

  • How have you adapted or created workplaces to support staff and/or user wellbeing?
  • Describe how the project shows genuine innovation. You should show how you have taken the future into account and highlight any novel approaches you have used to make the project a success.
  • Make the Well-being of Future Generations Act and the Five Ways of Working central in your application and consider how you meet each of the Five Ways.
  • Tell us how you have made collaboration work, developed relationships, and maintained them.
  • Explain how you have improved services and provided positive outcomes for staff and citizens not just for now but in the future.
  • Paint a picture of what best practice looks like so others can follow and see what is achievable.
  • Check out previous winners via Ystadau Cymru on GOV.WALES