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Following the success of the CIPS Corporate Award Programme the Welsh Government is pleased to announce the launch of its fifth programme to support and upskill Welsh public procurement.

First published:
5 June 2024
Last updated:

The CIPS Corporate Award Programme is a trailblazing programme that forms part of the Welsh Government’s capacity and capability programme. It aims to provide staff with professional development opportunities, supporting procurement professionals of the future, aiming to reduce the capacity issues faced across the profession and raise the profile of procurement in Wales.

To date, the Welsh Government has heavily invested in the professional development of its procurement community funding over 290 places across the Corporate Award Programme, to increase the number of procurement professionals in the Welsh public sector working to meet the principles of the Welsh Procurement Policy Statement (WPPS).

The groundbreaking CIPS Corporate Award programme is a work based, modular, applied learning programme that offers a route to full MCIPS in an accelerated timescale. There are 2 levels, currently delivered through a virtual on-line platform, using Microsoft Teams for face-to-face lectures offering students the ability to study under flexible arrangements while juggling other commitments

CIPS Corporate Award Practitioner Programme

This level develops a robust understanding of, and capability in, the procurement essentials and is a route to CIPS Diploma membership.

For further information on the CIPS Corporate Award Practitioner Programme.

CIPS Corporate Award Advanced Practitioner Programme

Advanced Practitioner builds procurement professionalism, helps deliver greater organisational value and reduces risk. It's also a route to achieving MCIPS. Further information on CIPS Corporate Award Advanced Practitioner Programme.

Assessment is assignment based with a 10,000 word project required at the end of the Advanced Practitioner course. It provides an applied learning opportunity to benefit the business through basing the project on the business itself.

On completion students will be eligible to apply for MCIPS status, having evidenced the desired number of years procurement experience required.

Applicants interested in joining this level will be required to evidence that they have already completed the CIPS L4/Diploma/Practitioner programme available via Welsh Government or have successfully passed the CIPS competency assessment upon application to apply for the Advanced Practitioner course.

CIPS Overview Session

Prior to submitting a formal application, prospective students will be required to watch a pre-recorded online overview webinar hosted by CIPS that will provide students and employers a programme overview and the commitments expected from your engagement on the programme.

The formal application process and learner agreement will be explained and shared with students during this webinar.

How to express an interest

To express your interest in this Programme please e-mail When submitting your expression of interest, please ensure you provide the level of the programme you are interested in, your name, job title and employing organisation. We will notify you of the dates of the online webinar and details of the formal application process.

Before submitting your expression of interest, please ensure that you have read the frequently ask questions document, that outlines the eligibility criteria and key conditions.

Read more on the Wales specific programme in our publication below (note: the number of funded places has increased since the publication of this document).

Future of the CIPS Corporate Award

The CIPS Corporate Award is currently under review, whilst this will not impact current or approved learners commencing this programme, there will be no guarantee of future funding as the programme may be subject to change.