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Horizon Europe is the current European programme for research and innovation.

First published:
5 June 2024
Last updated:


Horizon Europe provides a major opportunity for Welsh researchers and innovators to carry out world-class science and innovation in Wales with a global outlook.

We encourage organisations in Wales to make the most of the opportunities and expand Wales’ reputation for leading research and innovation

Latest on the UK relationship with Horizon Europe

The UK is now an associate member of Horizon Europe (1 January 2024). 

Organisations can apply and receive funding from Horizon Europe for the 2024 work programme onwards.

How to apply

You will need to:

If you are thinking of applying for this type of research and innovation funding, please get in touch:

Our dedicated Horizon Europe Unit can help you with:

  • advice and guidance
  • directing you to specialist support
  • contacts to other organisations and the Horizon network
  • development of targeted information sessions and events

SCoRE Cymru

Provides financial support for organisations looking to access European research and innovation programmes. It can cover:

  • up to £1,000 per trip of travel costs to meet potential or existing partners and attend events
  • up to £10,000 on proposal development costs such as legal advice and market research

Use the SCoRE Cymru: application form to apply.