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  • Laura McAllister
  • Rowan Williams

Commission members

  • Anwen Elias
  • Miguela Gonzalez
  • Lauren McEvatt
  • Albert Owen
  • Philip Rycroft
  • Shavanah Taj
  • Kirsty Williams
  • Leanne Wood

Item 3

  • Jeff Cuthbert, Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, and Chair of Policing in Wales
  • Andy Dunbobbin, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales
  • Alun Michael, Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales

Item 3 observers

  • Carys Morgans, Chief Executive, PCC Dyfed Powys
  • Paul Morris, Head of Police Liaison Unit, Welsh Government


  • Gareth Morgan, Deputy Director and Head of Secretariat
  • Carys Evans, Adviser
  • Heulwen Mai Vaughan, Secretary


  • Michael Marmot
  • Gareth Williams
  • Dafydd Llywelyn, Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys

Item 1: Welcome from the co-chairs

1.The co-chairs welcomed the commissioners to the meeting.

Item 2: The Rt Hon David TC Davies MP, Secretary of State for Wales

2. The evidence session with the Secretary of State would be re-arranged for a later date.

Item 3: Police and Crime Commissioners

3. The commission received evidence from Jeff Cuthbert, Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent and Chair of Policing in Wales, Andy Dunbobbin, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales, and Alun Michael, Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales. Dafydd Llywelyn, Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys, was unable to attend the meeting.