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How to let the relevant highway authority know your thoughts about roads with a 20mph limit.

First published:
10 May 2024
Last updated:

How you can get involved

The speed limit on most roads in residential and built-up areas changed to 20mph in September 2023. 

In July 2024, we issued revised guidance to highway authorities to help them assess on which roads the speed limit could be raised  to 30mph. 

We want you to let your highway authority know if you think a specific road should:

  • change from 20mph to 30mph
  • change from 30mph to 20mph
  • stay at 20mph

When giving feedback you must:

  • be clear and precise about which section of road you are talking about
  • give reasons for your views

Highway authorities will review your feedback alongside the new exceptions guidance and consider if it is appropriate for the speed limit to change. This is likely to take several months.

Who to contact

Local authority roads

You should provide feedback about local authority-managed roads by contacting your local authority directly.

Trunk roads

A trunk road is a major route that Welsh Government is the highway authority for, not the local authority. Examples of trunk roads are the A40, A5, and A4076. You can view a map of all Welsh trunk roads on DataMapWales

You can feedback about 20 and 30mph limits on trunk roads by emailing Or you can send your feedback to your local authority and it will be shared with us if it relates to a trunk road.