Mark Drakeford, Cabinet Secretary for Finance
Today I am announcing the Welsh Government’s plans to set National Milestones for Wales, the next step in our implementation of the Well-being of Future Generations Act. I will consult in the autumn on both the criteria for selecting milestones and on proposals for the small set of National Indicators that should have milestones related to them. I will look to publish the final set in 2019.
The National Milestones will assist Ministers in measuring whether progress is being made at a national level towards the achievement of the well-being goals, and will help explain at a national level the scale and pace of change required. To support this assessment, subsequent Annual Well-being Reports will assess progress made towards achievement of the goals by reference to the milestones. The milestones will be of interest to Public Bodies and Public Services Boards in their own assessments.
It is likely that the work on the National Milestones may identify some potential improvements to the set of 46 National Indicators. Ideally we would want to maintain consistency in what is after all a set of indicators intended to assess long term progress, and there was significant consultation activity on the indicators in 2015. Nevertheless we will use this opportunity to make small changes where there is a justifiable case to improve the set. We will therefore use the consultation process to help gather updated views on the National Indicators.
Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015
National Indicators for Wales