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Powys County Council Cabinet Members

Cllr James Gibson Watt
Cllr Richard Church
Cllr Pete Roberts
Cllr Jackie Charlton
Cllr Jake Berriman

Ceredigion County Council Cabinet Members

Cllr Bryan Davies
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Wyn Thomas
Diane Reynolds, Interim Director, Economy & Community Services 
Barry Rees, Corporate Director, Ceredigion CC
Carwyn Jones-Evans, Joint Strategic Lead, Growing Mid Wales/Ceredigion CC   


Dr David Clubb, Chair
Jenifer Baxter Deputy Chair
Eurgain Powell Commissioner
Eluned Parrott, Commissioner
Aleena Khan, Commissioner
Helen Armstrong Commissioner
Steve Brooks, Commissioner
Nick Tune, Commissioner

Secretariat/Welsh Government

Stuart Ingram, NICW Secretariat
Nicola Britton, NICW Secretariat


Commissioners met with representatives of the Mid Wales Rural Partnership to discuss the challenges facing rural communities such as economic sustainability; what active travel looks like in a rural context and how strategic initiatives are managed across borders (both within Wales and with England). Key points noted were:

  • Understanding of regional working delivery best outcomes in terms of budgets and delivery. 
  • The biggest challenges in terms of economic development are population density and demographic change along with aligning relevant skills attainment within a rural economy.  It was noted there are increasing gaps in the health and care sectors.
  • Differing views on the importance of grid connections within communities, with the views of those in support of more grid infrastructure often being overlooked.
  • The politics of energy and water export without considered community benefits.
  • Concern about impact of Brexit on development and delivery of large-scale infrastructure projects. 
  • Digital connectivity was still seen as a barrier to development.

Commissioners then visited Newtown town centre to look at the delivery of regeneration projects; ending their day with a visit to the construction site for the new active travel bridge over the river.