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Molly Fenton: The Love your Period Campaign

Twenty-one-year-old Cardiff resident Molly Fenton is self-proclaimed "Wales' big sister." Driven by her own lack of guidance growing up, Molly has harnessed her passion to empower girls across the nation through her internationally recognised movement, ‘Love Your Period.

‘Love Your Period’ is a sanctuary for girls, where they find education, resources, and most importantly, a space to be heard and understood. Recognising the need for open conversations about young women's health, she bravely shares her own journey with a benign inoperable brain tumour through her blog. Molly acts as the big sister they might not have, stimulating conversations about periods, sexuality, and health – topics often shrouded in stigma. 

Molly actively participates in national decision-making bodies like the Period Dignity Roundtable, ensuring young Welsh voices are heard on issues that directly affect them. Testimonials from young champions highlighted the transformative impact of Molly's work on them: "Molly is the best person I've ever met. I aspire to be her. Molly taught me more than any education ever could've.” "I want to have a career in work like this when I am older and it's because of Molly I know that". 

The judges were impressed by her infectious commitment, her dedication to empowering young people, and her work in addressing a significant gap in open dialogue and support around menstruation. The panel felt that the whole campaign was admirable and recognised that the huge community impact, especially from a volunteer!