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This consultation ended 7 March 2024.

Consultation period:
28 December 2023 to 7 March 2024
Last updated:

Reviewing responses

The responses to this consultation are currently being reviewed. Details of the outcome will be published here in due course.

Original consultation

A UK wide consultation and call for evidence on proposals for reforms to the producer responsibility system for WEEE.

Consultation description

We are consulting in conjunction with:

  • the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
  • the Scottish Government
  • the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland

The proposals aim to:

  • dive up levels of separately collected electrical equipment for re-use and recycling
  • incentivise the design of products that have lower environmental impacts and a more circular lifecycle

The proposals include ensuring producers and distributors of electrical and electronic products finance the full net cost of collection and proper treatment of products that arise as waste.

The call for evidence [GOV.UK] seeks views on wider areas for reform.

This consultation is being held on GOV.UK