Welsh Economic Statistics User Group, 26 September 2023: agenda
Agenda for the Welsh Economic Statistics User Group on 26 September 2023.
A PDF download of this document will be available soon.
14:00 Item 1: Welcome, introductions and apologies (Jonathan Price, Welsh Government)
14:05 Item 2: Consultation on the future of population and migration statistics in England and Wales (Martin Parry, Welsh Government)
14:15 Item 3: Introduction to input-output tables (Calvin Jones, Welsh Government and Cardiff University)
14:40 Item 4: Can R&D policy help rebalance the UK Economy? Applications of input-output modelling (Matt Lyons, City REDI)
15:10 Comfort break
15:20 Item 5: Welsh Government’s plans for input-output tables/feedback session (Jonathan Bonville-Ginn, Welsh Government)
15:45 Item 6: Update on the Transformed Labour Force Survey (James Harris, Office for National Statistics)
16:00 Item 7: Any other business and close