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Creating a National Park for Wales.

First published:
18 July 2023
Last updated:

Our commitment

In our Programme for Government, we said we would create a new National Park. It would be based around the current Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Why create a new National Park

National Parks are important for our environment. They are helping us to:

  • tackle the nature emergency
  • achieve more sustainable tourism

How do we create a new National Park

Designating a National Park is a significant undertaking. Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is the statutory designating authority. We have asked NRW to look at the case for a new National Park. They will need to:

  • consult with local communities and relevant local authorities
  • assess the geographical features in the area
  • check the suitability of the area against legal definitions of what a National Park should be
  • determine the ideal boundaries of the new park
  • make recommendations to our Ministers

Find out more at Wales’s New National Park Proposal (on Natural Resources Wales website).