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Eluned Morgan MS, Minister for Health and Social Services
Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Social Services

First published:
30 June 2023
Last updated:

We are pleased to share with Members the final version of the Code of Practice on Access to Premises and Engagement with Individuals.

The Citizen Voice Body for Health and Social Care, Wales (‘the Citizen Voice Body’ or ‘CVB’, operationally known as Llais) has been established under the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Act 2020 to seek the views and represent the interests of the public in respect of health and social services.

The Code of Practice on Access to Premises covers how Llais can seek access to places where people are receiving health or social care services to seek their views, and how that engagement will be conducted.

We recently held a consultation process for feedback on the proposed Code of Practice, including specific consultation with Llais itself, and we  would like to thank those who were able to share their very valuable feedback to inform the final Code. The consultation response summary, covering the Code of Practice, Statutory Guidance on Representations and Guidance for Engagement and Consultation on Changes to Health Services 2023 will be published shortly.

The Code of Practice takes effect from 1 July and will be subject to review after one year of operation.  We very much hope that all partners in health and social care will find it useful in facilitating those on health and social care premises to have the opportunity to engage with Llais.

Along with the Statutory guidance on Representations, published on 2 April, and the Guidance for Engagement and Consultation on Changes to Health Services 2023, published on 9 May, this completes the suite of guidance which Ministers undertook to develop and issue to support the operation of Llais within the health and social care system.

The publication can be found here: Code of practice for Llais on accessing premises and engaging people.