This evaluation provides an assessment of the contribution and alignment of the activities towards the Welsh Government’s objectives for the FIFA Men’s World Cup 2022.
This is the latest release
Main points
- Having clear, shared goals and values from the outset supported the Tîm Cymru approach, which has been one of the key successes.
- Stakeholders had positive views on the scale, quality and reach of activities commissioned and delivered. This included the 19 Partnership Support Fund (PSF) projects, the enhanced marketing campaign, Lleisiau Cymru activity and international events.
- The activities succeeded in the core objectives of promoting Wales and projecting its values through a combination of marketing and partner activities. These activities increased opportunities to see Cymru Wales branded content and broadening the reach of Welsh cultural and sporting organisations domestic and internationally.
- These activities delivered positive outcomes for enhancing the profile of Wales.
- Perceptions of Wales improved among some audiences during and in the short-term after the tournament.
- Many of the activities sought to increase engagement with partners in target markets as part of a longer-term process of creating the right conditions for future economic activity.
- Other emerging economic outcomes including discussions with potential overseas investors about creating new jobs in Wales. Other examples included artists who had capitalised on their participation and were successful in gaining new work as a result.
Evaluation of Welsh Government-funded World Cup Activities , file type: PDF, file size: 738 KB
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Jo Starkey
Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome correspondence in Welsh.
Telephone: 0300 025 8099
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