Trade Policy Advisory Group meeting: 9 March 2023
Summary of the Trade Policy Advisory Group meeting held in person on 9 March 2023.
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Meeting chair
- Vaughan Gething MS, Minister for Economy
TPAG members and stakeholders
- Aileen Burmeister (Fair Trade Wales)
- Andy Richardson (Food and Drink Board Wales)
- Catherine Smith (Hybu Cig Cymru)
- Ceri Williams (TUC Cymru)
- Gwyn Tudor (MediWales)
- Henry Clarke (RPD Law)
- Kerry Owens (Unite)
- Louisa Petchey (Public Health Wales)
- Prof Nick Pidgeon (Cardiff University)
- Oliver Carpenter (Chambers Wales)
- Paul Brooks (Institute of Export)
- Richard Rumbelow (Make UK)
- Robert O’Neil (Welsh Automotive Forum)
Welcome and introductions
Vaughan Gething MS, Minister for Economy, opened the meeting by thanking the group members and outlining their role in helping to shape Welsh Government trade policy by providing expert input on how we can maximise the opportunities, and minimise the threats, that free trade agreements could bring to Wales and the Welsh economy.
The minister held a round table discussion to seek the members’ views on the current state of play within trade policy and what could impact Wales going forward.
The discussion covered:
- The Windsor Framework
- The USA’s Inflation Reduction Act and the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
- The Energy Charter Treaty
- Engagement with potential FTA partners including Embassies and High Commissioners
- The success of Food and Drinks Exports from Wales in 2022
- The digitalisation of trade
Update on trade deals under negotiation by the UK government
The Welsh Government’s Director for International Relations and Trade provided an overview of the work to date regarding the UK government’s free trade agreements, including the negotiations that have concluded, those that have started and those about to commence. It was highlighted that the Welsh Government is engaging with the UK government and inputting into discussions on international trade policy and trade negotiations.
Update on the implementation and utilisation of Free Trade Agreements (FTA)
A Welsh Government official provided an update on the implementation and utilisation of FTAs. The discussion covered:
- Delivery – the promotion of new FTAs and support to Welsh businesses including the utilisation of existing FTAs.
- Legislation – the role of Welsh Government in implementing FTAs where they require changes to devolved policy or Welsh legislation.
- Committees – how Welsh Government and its stakeholders can contribute to the number of committees established under each new FTA.
Round table discussion on Israel and the Republic of Korea
A discussion was held on UK government’s trade negotiations with Israel.
Republic of Korea
A Welsh Government official provided an update on the UK government’s trade discussions with Republic of Korea. The discussion covered:
- Concerns about labour rights in South Korea
- Potential opportunities within the green technology sector
- Potential impact on Welsh manufacturing industries
Update by the Institute of Export and International Trade
Item 6: Update on the Institute of Export and International Trade
Paul Brooks, Wales & UK Manufacturing Trade Lead, provided an overview of the IOE&IT and how it’s developing its presence in Wales.
Closing remarks
The Welsh Government’s Director for International Relations and Trade closed the meeting by thanking attendees for their wide-raging contributions to discussions.