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Bravery award 2023 winners

Hari Thomas (14) and Dylan Pritchard-Evans (13) are 2 football mad friends from Ceredigion in West Wales who averted a tragedy on the M4 in January 2022.

Whilst being driven back from a Swansea City Football Academy training session Catrin, Hari’s mum, became unconscious at the wheel of the car near junction 45 on the M4.

Sitting alongside his mum, Hari managed to bravely grab the steering wheel and steer the car for over 1 mile on the hard shoulder of the M4 with the help of Dylan who told him to put the hazard lights on and alert other traffic that there was a problem.

Showing admirable team work the boys managed to leave the motorway at the Swansea West Services junction using the handbrake to bring the car slowly to a stop so as not to flip the car.

The boys then flagged down a passing motorist who alerted the emergency services.

The bravery of the 2 boys potentially saved countless lives that night including their own and Hari’s mum. They kept calm and responsible in what would have been a terrifying experience for anyone in such circumstances.

Hari and Dylan have been awarded a Police Commendation for their brave actions.