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This charter sets out key commitments for Regional Partnership Boards (RPBs) with regard to the meaningful participation of service user, carer, third sector and provider members on the partnership boards.

The commitments are based on the principles of co-production and voice as set out in the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. The aim is to ensure that the boards work in an inclusive way which respects and promotes the role and contribution of each board member, and that appropriate support is in place for the service user, carer, third sector and provider members, so that they can effectively inform, influence and be involved in the design and delivery of services.


The Partnership Arrangements (Wales) Regulations 2015 specify that membership of a RPB must include at least one person to represent people with needs for care and support, at least one person to represent carers, at least two persons to represent the interests of third sector organisations, and at least one person who represents the interests of care providers. These members sit alongside those from the local authorities and local health board which are the statutory partners within the regional partnership.

The service user, carer, third sector and provider members are intended to be a representative voice on the board, rather than a representative of users, carers, third sector organisations or care providers within the region. RPBs must set up wider engagement and voice mechanisms to represent the views of service users, carers, the third sector and providers to the board, and to involve them in their planning and strategy development.

It is important that the service user, carers, third sector and provider members are properly supported and enabled to play a meaningful part in the work of the RPBs. The seven RPBs across Wales will sign up to the following commitments.

Charter commitments

Regional Partnership Boards will:


Regional Partnership Boards will:

  • ensure co-production happens at all levels of the regional partnership’s work
  • make any improvements needed
  • provide training so all members understand co-production and promote co-productive ways of working
  • strive to embed co-productive working practices on the board and throughout the wider partnership at all levels


  • develop clear role descriptions for all board members in line with the national templates
  • keep role descriptions under review and revise as necessary
  • put in place transparent and accessible mechanisms for advertising and recruiting to member roles
  • establish nominated deputies for wider members. This will enable more effective succession planning and consistency in representation

Board meetings

  • provide opportunities for wider members to suggest agenda items and points for discussion
  • ensure that meeting papers are easily accessible
  • ensure papers are written in plain language and in a way that facilitates discussion and engagement
  • distribute meeting papers in good time
  • provide an opportunity for the wider members to have pre-meetings to clarify context and ask any questions
  • ensure that chairs set an appropriate tone and pace for board meetings, so that all members feel valued and included. They should be able to take a full and equal part in the discussion
  • ensure that their wider members are treated as equal partners in discussions and decisions taken by the board


  • put in place a framework of support for wider members. This should include induction, mentoring of new members, communicating, keeping in touch between meetings and pastoral care
  • provide opportunities for the chair to get to know wider members. If their skills and experiences are known, then they can used to  best effect in the work of the board
  • arrange for wider member to meet with the board chair at least twice a year on a one-to-one basis, to review progress
  • enable the wider members to raise queries or concerns at any stage, ensure that these are addressed appropriately. Feedback should be provided in a timely manner
  • ensure that the wider have access to a support worker or other dedicated support
  • draw up robust and fair complaints and dispute resolution procedures
  •  ensure all members understand and know how to access complaints and dispute resolution processes
  • enable better engagement between staff and board members within the regional partnership structure

Reporting and review

  • provide an opportunity for the wider members to report on their experiences and contribution in the partnership’s annual report
  • review the implementation of this annually and make any improvements that are needed.