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  • Rt. Hon. Mark Drakeford MS
  • Adam Price MS

Item 1: Agree minutes of previous meeting

1.1 The Board approved the minutes of the previous meeting held on 3 August 2022 and requested an update on the National School for Government work.

Item 2: Progress update

2.1 Officials summarised the progress made across various commitments over the summer period and set out intentions for next steps in terms of a work programme until Christmas. The Board noted the significant activity anticipated over the Autumn term and emphasised the need for Ministers and Designated Members to make further progress and reach decision points across various commitments.

Item 3: Approach to Annual Report

3.1 The Board agreed the approach to be followed in preparing the Co-operation Agreement annual report.

Item 4: Senedd reform and Constitution Commission

4.1 Officials updated on the progress made on developing the policy for the Bill and next steps for reaching decisions on key areas over the Autumn to allow for legal drafting.

Item 5: Comms update

5.1 The Board reflected on the communications activity that had taken place since the last Board meeting, including the visit to coincide with the beginning of the Free School Meals rollout, and noted upcoming activity.