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A summary of the group’s purpose and how it will work.

Purpose (phase 1: ALN implementation)

To provide strategic direction on and multi-agency oversight of work to achieve improved outcomes for children and young people with Additional Learning Needs (ALN).

Phase 1 is concerned with ongoing implementation of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 (ALNET) Act and will run until the end of 2023.

The Steering Group will be responsible for providing strategic direction information, and advice to support the sector with ongoing implementation of reforms under ALNET.

Role and responsibilities

To achieve this purpose the Steering Group will meet on a regular basis:

  • to position the status of ALN policy reform as a national educational priority and provide impetus to its delivery
  • to provide leadership and ensure essential multi-agency working and collaboration
  • to explicitly link ALN implementation as integral and complimentary aspects of other national policy reforms
  • to identify key workstreams and the timescales necessary to secure effective implementation
  • to provide a forum for discussion and debate, promoting a culture of challenge and support
  • to shape and provide steers on ALN policy solutions, test the robustness of proposals to deliver systemic improvements, and offer advice on deliverability
  • to support the development of robust implementation arrangements and advise on arrangements for tracking implementation and success
  • to advise on and support the delivery of ALN communications, consultation products and guidance
  • to provide urgent advice and guidance on areas of implementation that remain uncertain
  • to identify risks and barriers, identifying opportunities and potential solutions and reflect lessons learned dynamically

Membership and meeting attendance

The Steering Group is made up of professionals from local authorities, social care and health, education, inspectorates and the third sector. The membership will be reviewed and revised as necessary at key stages.

Each representative should nominate, in advance, a deputy that is empowered to represent them and take decisions on their behalf on the occasions where they are unable to attend Steering Group meetings. On these occasions, the Member is responsible for ensuring that their deputy is appropriately briefed before the meeting and the deputy is responsible for feeding back to the Steering Group Member following the meeting.

Should a member be absent from Steering Group for two consecutive meetings, without having substituted an appropriate deputy, and apologies are not given to the Secretariat, membership may be revoked.

The Steering Group will be chaired by the ALN Interim National Implementation Lead, with the Deputy Director of the Support for Learners Division in Welsh Government acting as deputy where necessary.

Secretariat services for Steering Group will be provided by Welsh Government. Agendas should be circulated a week in advance of meetings and all papers no later than three days before a meeting.

Members of the Steering Group are expected to:

  • be committed to supporting the work of the Steering Group
  • attend Steering Group meetings or nominate a representative to attend in their place
  • prepare for meetings, including completing any actions from previous meetings
  • update the Steering Group on matters of interest, and cascade information within their own networks and relevant forums as appropriate

Decisions of the Steering Group will be understood to be collective and to be acted on by all members, unless there are specific circumstances where a majority decision is recorded.

Frequency of meetings

The Steering Group will usually meet every two months. Meetings will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. The Group may decide to meet more frequently if the circumstances should require they do so. Meeting frequency will be kept under review by the Group and revised if necessary. 


These Terms of Reference will be subject to approval at the first meeting of the Group and will then be reviewed in line with comments and to ensure they reflect the focus of the group.