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We have updated the thresholds for placing contract award notices.

First published:
4 July 2022
Last updated:

We have updated the thresholds for placing contract award notices, highlighted under WPPN 02/22, to align with the Procurement Bill which was introduced on 11 May.

The amendments apply to the following extract of the WPPN:

The following guidance should be applied to Welsh Government procurements and is deemed as best practice for Welsh public sector contracting authorities.

It is recommended that contract award notices are issued as set out below:

Welsh Central Government Bodies, including those listed in Schedule 1 of the PCR 2015:

  • Where the contract value is at least £12,000 inclusive of VAT*

Welsh Sub Central Government Bodies, all contracting authorities which are not central government authorities:

  • Where the contract value is at least £30,000 inclusive of VAT

* Welsh Central Government Bodies, including those listed in Schedule 1 of the PCR 2015 will implement the threshold in a phased approach, starting with the application to contracts valued at least £25,000 inclusive of VAT.

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