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Date, time, venue/platform

  • 5 April 2022
  • 09:30 to 11:00

Minister, Chair and Vice-Chair in CP2 Abertawe.

Via MS Teams.


Vaughan Gething MS, Minister for Economy

Economic Ministerial Advisory Board (MAB) members

  • Andrew Campbell (Chair)
  • Andrea Wayman (Vice-Chair)
  • Emily Cotterill
  • James Davies
  • David D’Souza
  • Miatta Fahnbulleh
  • Peredur Morgan
  • Helen Swift

Welsh Government

  • Alex Bevan
  • Andrew Slade
  • Sioned Evans
  • Jason Thomas
  • Andrew Gwatkin
  • Huw Morris
  • Jonathan Price
  • Claire McDonald
  • Gareth Woodhead
  • Justine George
  • Andy Lock
  • Catherine Collins (Secretariat)


  • Sir Adrian Webb (Economic Ministerial Advisory Board)
  • Peter Ryland (WG)

Notes taken by:

  • Catherine Collins (Secretariat)

Agenda items

Item 1. Introduction: Minister and members (Paper 1)


The Minister welcomed attendees to the inaugural meeting and having made introductions to his attending officials asked Board members to introduce themselves.

Item 2. Terms of Reference and engagement: Minister (Paper 2)


The Board discussed the terms of reference and noted that given the economy is a cross-cutting government matter, the Board should provide advice on matters beyond the Minister’s immediate portfolio, as sees fit.

The Minister confirmed that future meetings will be available on a hybrid basis to all attendees – with physical locations across Wales and England considered.

The Board agreed to provide any further comments to the secretariat.


  • The Minister’s Office to confirm the meeting venue for the next meeting (8 June)
  • MAB members to send any further comments/queries regarding the terms of reference to the secretariat.

Item 3. Advice paper exercise: Minister (Paper 3)


The Minister discussed Professor Portes’ report which had set out how Wales faces a demographic challenge and the need to: retain talent; attract talent; upskill and continue connectivity progress.

Members were asked to undertake an out of meeting exercise on the key conditions for making more people feel confident about planning their futures in Wales – which will in turn help address the demographic challenge.

The initial findings/advice from that exercise would be discussed at the next Board meeting.

Item 4. AOB

There were no AOB items

The Minister departed the meeting

Item 5. Informal discussion/icebreaker: Chair (Oral item)


The Chair led an informal introductory discussion which included ice-breaker exercises.

Item 6. Advice paper practicalities: Chair (Oral item)


The Chair led a discussion on the practicalities around the out of meeting exercise.

It was proposed that the Board members seek to meet in person for an initial brainstorming/task allocation session – in early May.

It was noted that as three members live in London then that would be a convenient location and opportunity for those members to work together - at either the WG London office or other venue agreed by the members.

The remaining members would have the option of meeting in the south Wales area as a collective – at either a WG office or other venue agreed by the members.

Following the brainstorming sessions, members would submit initial findings/advice to the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretariat by mid-late May, for compiling into a paper for the next meeting.


  • WG officials (Secretariat) to seek dates for availability and location preference for the brainstorming sessions from each member and to then organise the sessions.
  • MAB members to commence initial thinking around the out of meeting exercise – ahead of the brainstorming sessions.
  • MAB members to note the mid-late May deadline for submitting initial findings/advice to the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretariat.

Item 7. AOB


It was agreed to circulate the economic outlook presentation made to the Chair and Vice-Chair


  • Secretariat to circulate the economic outlook presentation to all MAB members

Action log

Action 1

Action: the Minister’s Office to confirm the meeting venue for the next meeting (8 June)

Deadline: end of April

Action 2

Action: MAB members to send any further comments/queries regarding the terms of reference to the secretariat.

Deadline: end of April

Action 3

Action: WG officials (Secretariat) to seek dates for availability and location preference for the brainstorming sessions from each member and to then organise the sessions.

Deadline: ASAP

Action 4

Action: MAB members to commence initial thinking around the out of meeting exercise – ahead of the brainstorming sessions.

Deadline: ASAP

Action 5

Action: MAB members to note the mid-late May deadline for submitting initial findings/advice to the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretariat.

Deadline: mid-late May

Action 6

Action: Secretariat to circulate the economic outlook presentation to all MAB members.

Deadline: 8 April 2022