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Guidance on the expansion of early years provision via Flying Start, from September 2022.

First published:
16 March 2022
Last updated:
  1. What are the plans to meet the Programme for Government commitment to deliver a phased expansion of early years provision to include all two year olds, with a particular emphasis on strengthening Welsh medium provision?

Phase 1 of the expansion commenced in September 2022 and concluded in March 2023. It included all four elements of Flying Start: funded part-time, high-quality childcare for two year olds; parenting support; enhanced health visitor support; and support for speech, language and communication. 

During Phase 1 over 3,100 additional children (aged 0-4 years) benefited from Flying Start services.

Phase 2 of the expansion programme to expand Flying Start childcare in Wales began in April 2023. During 2023-24 and 2024-25 £46m will be invested in expanding Flying Start childcare which will support more than 9,500 additional two year olds across Wales to access quality Flying Start childcare.  

Families newly eligible for Flying Start childcare in Phase 2 will be contacted by their local authorities. 

  1. Why should people take up the Flying Start childcare offer?

Those eligible will receive 12.5 hours of funded, high-quality childcare per week for 39 weeks of the year. The Flying Start childcare workforce is qualified to support children’s development and supplement the nurturing traditionally provided by parents / carers. 

Children under four and their families, living in the expansion areas, will be able to benefit from the enhanced health visiting programme and access to support from the highly trained Flying Start Speech, Language and Communication workforce, where needed.

Parents / carers will also be able to take advantage of the programmes support packages to enhance their parenting skills in supporting their child’s development, care and wellbeing.

  1. Why aren’t you going to the most deprived communities?

Welsh Government expansion guidance has encouraged local authorities to target the expansion of Flying Start towards communities, in more deprived areas, that aren’t already part of the Flying Start programme. 

  1. Why are all local authorities receiving additional funding to expand Flying Start childcare when there are clearly different levels of deprivation across Wales?

We want every local authority to receive financial support to start to expand Flying Start provision as we work towards universal coverage. That way there is a fair and systematic roll out across Wales.

  1. What are the plans for further roll out of the expansion to meet the Programme for Government commitment?

Phase 2 of the expansion commenced from April 2023. During 2023-24 and 2024-25 we are investing £46m in expanding Flying Start childcare to support long-term, positive impacts on the lives of those children and families across Wales facing the greatest challenges.

This investment will allow the reach of Flying Start childcare provision to expand significantly, supporting long-term, positive impacts on the lives of the most disadvantaged children and families across Wales.

Phase 2 will build on the expansion of Phase 1 and we expect Phase 2 to support more than 9,500 additional two year olds across Wales to access quality Flying Start childcare during Phase 2 during 2023-24 and 2024-25. 

The latest National Statistical Release for Flying Start showed that 6,885 additional childcare places for two year olds were offered in 2023-24 as part of Phase 2. See: 

  1. Is the purpose of the expanded Flying Start childcare provision to help parents into work?

The primary objectives for expanding Flying Start are:

  • to ensure children get the best possible start in life;
  • to tackle poverty and deprivation; and
  • to increase the provision of high-quality childcare services and of Welsh medium childcare places and settings.

However, the provision of funded childcare places for two year olds may also enable parents to work or access training and education opportunities that may not have otherwise been possible.   

  1. What benefit is Flying Start childcare to full time working parents when it only amounts to 12.5 hours per week?

The main benefits are set out above (Q.6). In addition, those who work full time are able to have some of their childcare costs paid through this provision – which will contribute to cost of living pressures.

  1. Why isn’t the Childcare Offer for three and four year olds being used to meet the commitment to provide universal childcare for two year olds? 

As one of the overarching aims of this early years expansion programme is to tackle poverty and deprivation, Flying Start is a more appropriate vehicle for delivery. Research tells us that high-quality childcare produces greater longer-term benefits for our children and strongly influences their future life chances. The right childcare can help tackle some of the more entrenched issues that result from living in deprivation, including low skills and poor health that will take time to overcome.  

  1. How will the extension of childcare to two year olds benefit a child / a family?

Research shows that children who attend quality early years settings are more independent, concentrate on their play for longer and, on entry to school, are more co-operative and better prepared for the challenges they meet.

In Welsh-medium early years settings, children have access to the added benefits that often come from being bilingual, such as an increased ability to focus, higher cognitive function and improved social and cultural relations. Children that are able to switch between languages, can often develop more flexible approaches to thinking through problems. 

Children will benefit from spending time in a safe, nurturing environment with their peers. 

  1. Who is eligible for the expansion?

Flying Start is a geographically targeted programme which uses income benefit data, a proxy indicator for poverty, to target areas with the highest proportions of children aged 0-3 living in income benefit households.

The Welsh Government expansion guidance requires all local authorities to prioritise delivery of Phase 2 expansion services in the most disadvantaged areas of their local authority. 

This approach helps to ensure that the support delivered to children and families via the expansion of Flying Start is offered to those most in need in the first instance.  

  1. How do people apply for it / access it?

Families who live within the new Flying Start expansion areas will be notified by their local Flying Start teams. 

  1. How does this work with / compliment the childcare offer already in place?

The childcare available through Flying Start is for two year olds. It includes 12.5 hours a week, for 39 weeks of the year, of funded high-quality childcare. It will be available in specified settings in the first phase of the expansion.

The Childcare Offer for Wales provides 30 hours a week of funded early education and childcare for eligible working parents of three and four year olds for up to 48 weeks a year. The Childcare Offer is also available to some parents in education and training. During term time (39 weeks of the year) the Offer builds on the existing universal commitment to early education which provides all three and four year olds with a minimum of 10 hours per week of provision. For the remaining nine weeks the Offer funds 30 hours of childcare per week. 

Flying Start and the Childcare Offer together form important aspects of our long-term vision for Early Childhood Education and Care across Wales. 

  1. Will my child automatically move to Early Education/the Childcare Offer when they turn three?

A child who is accessing Flying Start childcare will be able to transition (by way of an application) into the early education element of the Offer when they reach the relevant age. This is usually the term after their third birthday. However, the exact timing differs between different local authorities. 

Children of eligible working parents, and of some parents in education and training, will also be able to access the childcare element of the Childcare Offer from this point. More information can be found at: childcare-offer-for-wales-campaign

  1. Will Flying Start childcare be available to all parents / carers of two year olds in Wales?

Yes - it is our ambition to provided funded childcare provision for all two year olds. 

Our Programme for Government commits us to deliver a phased expansion of early years provision to include all two year olds with a particular emphasis on strengthening Welsh-medium provision. 

Phase 2 began in April 2023. During this Phase we expect to support more than 9,500 additional two year olds across Wales to access quality Flying Start childcare.  

  1. How will Flying Start childcare (in Phase 2) be rolled out, and when will it be available to everyone?

Phase 2 of the expansion commenced in April 2023 and will continue until March 2025.

The expansion programme is deliberately designed as a phased roll out. We need to take account of the capacity within the childcare sector across Wales, where we need to see increases in workforce and in the number of settings. 

We are working with the sector to build capacity to ensure that any increase to provision is sustainable. 

Our Programme for Government commits us to deliver a phased expansion of early years provision to include all two year olds. 

We will continue to review the Flying Start programme to ensure as many families as possible are being supported across Wales.

  1. Which providers will offer the scheme?

Existing Flying Start childcare providers will be supported to expand their reach, with work ongoing to encourage new providers, including childminders and those who specialise in Welsh medium provision, to offer Flying Start childcare places. 

We published detailed guidance for local authorities to support the expansion of early years provision. 

  1. If I already use a specific provider for childcare, will I have to change to be able to access this additional childcare provision?

If your provider is already delivering Flying Start childcare places you may be able to access childcare through them – the provider has to be registered with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) and meet the Flying Start standards (or be working towards the required qualification level).

If you live in a new Flying Start area but use a childcare provider that is not yet registered to deliver Flying Start childcare, you may need to change provider to access childcare through Flying Start. 

If a parent/carer lives in a Flying Start area there will be a list of registered Flying Start childcare settings which can be found by contacting the Family Information Service: Find your local Family Information Service | GOV.WALES here.

  1. Why is the Welsh Government only supporting families once their child turns two and why isn’t there any support for when maternity leave ends? 

We launched our vision for a holistic Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) system in Wales in October 2019. Our aim is that all children should have a high-quality stimulating learning and care experience in any education and care setting they attend. 

The first step of expanding provision is the work underway to broaden the Childcare Offer to support access to childcare for the parents/carers of three and four year olds who are in education or training. This was set out in our written statement issued on 2 March 2022.

The next step is the phased expansion of funded part-time, high-quality childcare through Flying Start for children aged two; with the Childcare Offer offering provision to eligible families for those aged three and four. 

All children in Wales are currently entitled to a minimum of 10 hours of early education provision from the term after their third birthday until they start full time education. The Childcare Offer builds on this existing universal early education provision, offering additional hours of childcare for working parents during the school term time (39 weeks of the year).

  1. Given the wider implications of financial stress for families in Wales, does this scheme go far enough? 

There are a number of ways families can be supported with the costs of childcare, including some UK Government schemes. The Childcare Choices website has more information about help which may be available, for example through Tax Free Childcare or Universal Credit.

The phased expansion of funded part-time provision for two years olds is an important step towards supporting more families with childcare costs.

  1. Will there be further changes to the childcare offer / provision in Wales?

There are other changes in the short term with the Childcare Offer being expanded to parents in education and training. This expansion will initially focus on parents enrolled on Further and Higher Education courses. Welsh Government are currently developing plans for implementation of this extension. 

As stated above (Q. 18), in 2019 Welsh Government launched our vision for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), which will reform the provision of early education, and care in Wales to ensure that every child gets the best possible start in life. This is our long term approach to childcare provision in Wales.

We are embarking on a ten year journey to adopt an (ECEC) approach for children aged 0 to 5. This will involve ensuring our provision in education and childcare is focused on the holistic development of children’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs to support well-being and lifelong learning. 

Our ECEC vision will remove the artificial divide between education and care settings, ensuring all settings which deliver ECEC contribute to a child’s well-being and development on an equal basis. 

A principle of ECEC is to provide parents with access and choice, to ensure that Provision of support is flexible and responsive to individual circumstances. 

  1.  Why is Phase 2 being labelled Flying Start when it is only the childcare element being offered?

Flying Start is focused on supporting improved outcomes for children. Research shows that high-quality childcare, like that provided by Flying Start, helps to deliver these positive outcomes. This is why we are focusing on childcare provision in Phase 2. 

Flying Start will be able to offer a high-quality childcare environment, coupled with high-quality staff. This will support improved outcomes for children.

All childcare workers must attain specific qualifications to work in this important sector and all settings must meet the National Minimum Standards

In addition to this, Flying Start settings require staff to hold, or be working towards, higher level qualifications than staff in non-Flying Start settings. Phase 2 Flying Start childcare provision will require this. 

  1. If it is only the childcare element of Flying Start, won’t this lead to confusion about what the difference is between this and the full Flying Start programme?

We will ensure that communications with all stakeholders are clear about the distinction between the Phase 2 expansion and the core Flying Start programme. The existing Flying Start programme will continue to deliver successfully and make a huge difference to tens of thousands of families across Wales. 

Focussing Phase 2 on providing Flying Start childcare means that we can extend high quality Flying Start childcare to an increased number of children and their families, right across Wales. 

We will closely monitor outcomes and feedback from the first two phases of the expansion programme. The learning from the first two phases of the expansion will help to inform the final phase, Phase 3, which, subject to additional funding, is due to be rolled out from April 2025.

  1. What if childcare only provision leads to more referrals to other services but there is no additional funding for these services?

Throughout the roll-out of the expansion of early years we will work closely with local authorities to identify issues such as this at an early stage.

We will work flexibly with local services to support them to meet any additional demands that arise. 

  1. What does this mean for the shape of Flying Start in the future?

The expansion programme will mean that thousands more children will benefit from Flying Start services. 

We will monitor outcomes and feedback from the first two phases of the expansion of early years provision. 

This will help to inform the final phase, Phase 3, which, subject to additional funding, is due to take place from April 2025.

  1. Why aren't we taking a needs-based approach?

Historically, Flying Start has been a geographically targeted programme which has used income benefit data, a proxy indicator for poverty, to target areas with the highest proportions of children aged 0-3 living in income benefit households. 

These areas have been identified using the Wales Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD), data from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) and HM Revenue and Customs and are broken down by Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs). 

This high-level approach to targeting remains fit for purpose, is transparent and is based on a robust evidence base which shows why a particular area is in scope of expansion plans and, conversely, why others are not.

Flying Start also includes an outreach element of the programme provides a degree of flexibility and enabling services to be delivered to individual children and families living with assessed needs outside of recognised Flying Start areas.

  1. How will you ensure the childcare workforce can cope with the extra demand for services?

We know there are challenges in terms of capacity in the sector. We will be working closely with the sector to ensure they have the support they need to meet the new demand for services. 

We will continue our investment in the workforce, supporting opportunities for training and upskilling and funding Cwlwm partners to provide the support settings may need to recruit and retain practitioners. 

We will continue to work closely with our partners and build on our existing programmes and initiatives to support and strengthen the expansion of Welsh medium provision, including developing the workforce, raising awareness, and creating new opportunities to access Welsh medium provision, while supporting more families to start their children’s bilingual learning journey. 

  1. How will you promote the Welsh language and ensure that there are sufficient Welsh-medium settings?

Local authorities already promote Welsh language provision and work with a range of partners to deliver Welsh-medium and bilingual childcare. Local authorities need to plan for an increase in Welsh-medium school and childcare places and settings as part of their Welsh in Education Strategic Plans (WESP) and any expansion will need to align with the Flying Start programme. 

Local authorities have recently submitted their 10-year WESPs, setting out how, collectively, they propose to meet the expected increase of 30% in learners accessing Welsh-medium education by 2031/32. Planning, as well as promotion of Welsh-medium early years provision, forms an important part of any local authority plan. 

Local authorities published their 2022 Childcare Sufficiency Assessments at the end of September 2022 which show how provision of childcare sufficiency aligns with the WESPs – both to support the growth of Welsh-medium childcare and education provision and to facilitate a seamless transition from Welsh-medium childcare into Welsh-medium education.

In their plans, local authorities are required to demonstrate alignment with their Welsh in Education Strategic Plans (WESPs) and Childcare Sufficiency Assessments (CSA) as well as considering opportunities for promoting the benefits of multilingualism from an early age, helping parents make an informed choice about childcare provision, building on existing programmes and initiatives and working with other organisations such as Mentrau Iaith, Urdd, local primary schools, Family Information Service, including CWLWM members. 

  1.  How will you ensure that there are enough childcare places to support the expansion across Wales?

We have made an additional £70 million available in capital funding to local authorities in the three years to March 2025. This is to enable them to develop new settings or to improve existing settings across the whole childcare sector so that additional childcare spaces can be created. 

  1.  Is there anywhere you can signpost families to see if they can be supported with childcare costs?

There are a number of ways families can be supported with the costs of childcare. The Choosing Childcare websiteTeulu Cymru website and the local Family Information Service  has more information about help which may be available.