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Item Agenda item Owner Style

COVID 19 – Response and priorities

For discussion

Wales TUC Paper

Social Partnership & Fair Work

For discussion

Welsh Government Oral

People Exchange Cymru

For decision

Joint Secretariat Paper

WPC Work Programme Update

For information

Joint Secretariat Paper

Review of JEC Minute/Matters Arising

For information

Joint Secretariat Paper
6 AOB Joint Secretariat  

Chair - Employers' side, Peter Kennedy

Item 1: COVID-19 response and priorities


1. The September JEC to include agenda items on both COVID test, trace, protect and managing local COVID workplace outbreaks.

2. JEC members approved and agreed to support a review of social partnership arrangements.


1. The WPC Joint Secretariat to invite Jo-Anne Daniels to attend the next JEC meeting in September 2020 to discuss COVID test, trace, protect and the management of local COVID workplace outbreaks.

2. Helen Arthur to provide the animation on the assessment tool to the WPC Joint Secretariat for circulation to WPC JEC members.

Item 3: People Exchange Cymru (PEC)


1. The JEC acknowledged the closure of PEC in September 2020 and agreed with the proposal to provide a GOV.WALES holding page as an interim measure, whilst also initiating a process to explore whether there is support and sufficient demand for a replacement.


1. The JS to organise a holding page on GOV. Wales to notify visitors to PEC that the site has closed and to signpost to other resources.

2. The JS to develop and initiate a communications plan to support the closure of PEC.

3. The JS to initiate an exercise with social partners to explore whether there is demand for a replacement for PEC.

Item 4: WPC Work Programme update


1.The JEC agreed for the JS to progress the fair work items proposed for the remainder of the WPC Work Programme for 2019/2020.

2. The JEC agreed to discuss a future work programme for the WPC at the next JEC meeting in September 2020.


1. The JS to deliver a paper on the Workforce Mobility Expert Reference Group Recommendations for submission to the WPC in November 2020.

2.The JS to put the WPC future work programme for 2020/21 on the agenda for the next JEC in September.