Vaughan Gething, Minister for Health & Social Services
In 2019 Welsh Government declared a Climate Emergency for Wales to help trigger more focused and greater action to meet the climate change challenge. Welsh Ministers have also re-enforced the ambition for the public sector in Wales to be carbon neutral by 2030.
I enclose the 2018-19 NHS Wales Carbon Footprint report that has been commissioned by NHS Shared Services Partnership – Specialist Estate Services and produced by the Carbon Trust (English only). This report is a factual update on the emissions across NHS Wales at a point in time. It provides a focus for NHS Wales and officials to deliver actions that NHS Wales can take to reduce emissions as the largest public sector organisation in Wales.
The Carbon Trust has been commissioned to develop a NHS Wales Decarbonisation Strategic Delivery Plan. This has been delayed due to COVID-19 with the report due to be completed in the Autumn. I expect the plan to help provide clear, ambitious and achievable deadlines to significantly reduce emissions in all areas across NHS Wales.