Vaughan Gething MS, Minister for Health and Social Services
Today the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for Wales will publish a summary of the research and evidence it is considering in order to provide the Welsh Government with advice on the Coronavirus and the disease COVID-19.
This follows the publication of their terms of reference and the modelling of the R number for Wales. The Welsh Government is committed to openness and transparency, and that includes sharing the information and recommendations that come to Ministers with everyone in Wales.
We will share what we know and what we don’t know. In sharing these documents, I hope that everyone in Wales can come to understand how slim the margins are to control the infection. I also hope you will come to understand how important the actions of each and every citizen is, and will continue to be, in order to limit the harm from this disease.
I will publish these documents every Tuesday. The documents can be found on the Welsh Government website.