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Terms of reference of the Ministerial Advisory Group for Carers.


The Welsh Government recognises that delivering improved and sustainable outcomes for carers requires support and commitment from statutory and third sector partners. The Ministerial Advisory Group (MAG) for Unpaid Carers provides a cross sector response to the challenges carers face and a national forum to target and monitor improvements under the four national priorities of the current Strategy for Unpaid Carers.

The MAG monitors the implementation of the strategy. The MAG supports collaborative working between unpaid carers’ organisations and the statutory bodies. The MAG provides advice to the Minister for Social Care that can lead to improvements in the lives of unpaid carers in Wales. Over time, priorities may change, and our approach allows us the flexibility to respond and adapt to meet our priorities. The MAG will support this way of working by identifying new ideas and solutions in response to the different issues faced by carers so that the agenda is continually moving forward.

The MAG does not have executive powers, it is advisory only.

Key tasks

Professional and unpaid carer members will contribute their knowledge and expertise to the collective advisory role of the MAG, bringing their perspective and experience of carers and caring to inform the Minister for Social Care and influence carers policy and its implementation.

Professional members will also take responsibility to drive change and improvement for carers in their own organisations and sectors.

The MAG will:

  • provide a national forum to oversee the delivery against strategic priorities and agreed actions to deliver those priorities
  • provide insight into the operational and strategic challenges to delivery
  • identify and develop new ideas and solutions in response to the different issues faced by carers
  • consider and offer views on use of Welsh Government funding for carers and on the effectiveness and impact of this investment and lessons learnt
  • advise on means of measuring improvement against the national priorities
  • identify good practice in Wales and elsewhere and consider how good practice could be promoted to improve outcomes for carers in Wales

Group membership

The membership reflects a cross section of third sector and statutory bodies with a role and interest in unpaid carers. The group will also comprise unpaid carers with lived experience. All members are subject to approval by the Minister for Social Care and will have a maximum tenure of three years, to ensure a broad range of input to the group.

To avoid a significant turnover at the same time, due to the introduction of this requirement, Welsh Government officials will coordinate a phased approach with members to ensure sufficient continuity. This will mean that some members will be on the group for a longer period during this transition to an annual cycle where approximately one third of the membership will change. The details of this will be provided separately, for agreement by members.

The chair and deputy chair will also have a tenure of a maximum of three years. The preferred arrangement will be for either the chair or deputy chair to provide the voice of unpaid carers, as a carer with lived experience or a representative of the Carers’ Alliance.

Nominations for the chair and deputy chair posts will be received (internal or external to current membership) and the Minister for Social Care will make the appointments.
No members or the chair / deputy chair are public appointments.

Meeting protocols

Ministerial Advisory Group

The MAG will meet at least quarterly. While the majority of these will be online meetings, at least one meeting annually will be face to face (with facilities for members to join online if required).

Working groups

The MAG will establish task and finish groups to progress areas of work as and when required. The nature, frequency and duration of these groups will be decided on an individual basis. Task and finish groups may co-opt relevant professionals and unpaid carers to support the work. Task and finish groups have defined terms of reference, approved by the chair in consultation with Welsh Government officials. Welsh Government officials will confirm sufficient administrative resources to support.

Language of meetings

Members must be given the opportunity to communicate in both English and Welsh, should they wish to do so. In line with current guidance we will confirm language preference prior to meetings to ensure appropriate support is in place for members to have the opportunity to contribute in Welsh.


Notes of MAG meetings and any task and finish group meetings will be taken by Welsh Government officials and subject to approval by group members. Notes of MAG meetings are published by Welsh Government on our pages for the Ministerial Advisory Group for Unpaid Carers | GOV.WALES


Travel and subsistence will be paid to members who attend meetings in a voluntary capacity. Additional care costs incurred to attend meetings (face to face or online), where necessary, will be reimbursed. We ask members to make Welsh Government officials aware in advance where possible.