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This consultation ended 25 January 2013.

Consultation period:
14 December 2012 to 25 January 2013
Last updated:

Summary of outcome

Original consultation

We want your views on proposals for criteria for storing waste metallic mercury safely and a change to the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999.

Consultation description

The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 (EP Regulations 2010) aims to reduce the burden of compliance while maintaining environmental standards.

This consultation seeks views on changes to the EP Regulations 2010 to take effect from 15 March 2013. These changes are needed to bring criteria for the safe storage of metallic mercury wastes into UK law. These criteria are detailed in Directive 2011/97/EU.

These proposed changes to the EP Regulations 2010 will affect England and Wales only.

As part of implementing in Regulation 1102/2008 there also needs to be a change to the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999. The proposed change will ensure its scope includes facilities that have been permitted to store metallic mercury waste.

This proposed change will affect England Wales and Scotland.

We want your views on the practical impacts or consequences of these changes.

This is a joint consultation with the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

This consultation is being held on GOV.UK