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This consultation ended 14 June 2016.

Consultation period:
10 March 2016 to 14 June 2016
Last updated:

Summary of outcome

Consultation outcome for Death certification reforms on GOV.UK

Original consultation

The 'Introduction of Medical Examiners and Reforms to Death Certification in England and Wales' has been published for consultation by the Department of Health.

Consultation description

The Department of Health’s (DH) consultation will cover those areas such as the England and Wales framework which are not devolved to the National Assembly for Wales. April 2018 has been announced as the proposed date for implementation of the medical examiner system.

In Wales we will consult after the National Assembly elections on those areas devolved to Wales relating to the appointment of medical examiners and the funding of the service. We are prevented from consulting alongside DH because of the pre-election restrictions covering the period of the National Assembly elections which will last from 6 April to 6 May.

We hope to start our consultation as soon as possible after the outcome of the elections is known.

This consultation is being held on GOV.UK