To decide how much to charge, local authorities must carry out a financial assessment.
You can ask for a review of any charge made by your local authority that you think is incorrect.
Non-residential care
You may have to pay up to a maximum of £100 a week if:
- you have a high level of disposable income
- you have savings and investments over £24,000, not including the value of your home
In deciding charges for non-residential care, local authorities must allow you to keep a set amount to help you meet your daily living costs.
Residential care
If you have capital over £50,000 you may have to pay the full cost of your residential care.
If your capital is at or below this limit, the local authority will help pay for your residential care.
How much you pay towards this care will be calculated from your eligible income, such as pensions or welfare benefits.
Local authorities must ensure you are left with at least £43.90 a week to spend on personal items.