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A monthly report summarising data on activity in the Welsh NHS for February and March 2020.

Following the announcement on Friday 13 March regarding the cancellation of certain medical procedures and the relaxation of performance targets, several national data collections have been temporarily ceased and we will also temporarily stop reporting performance statistics. These changes will be in place until at least the October 2020 reporting period.

Therefore, during this time period, this release will only include information on NHS Wales activity. Specifically this means A&E attendances and admissions, emergency calls to the ambulance services and patients starting cancer treatment. It will not include performance related information or any information relating to referral to treatment times, diagnostic and therapy waiting times, delayed transfers of care, closed pathways or outpatient referrals.

Also note, during this time the summary dashboard and SlideShare will not be updated. Main points will be disseminated through the report and select activity data will published through StatsWales tables.

Datasets and interactive tools


Rhys Strafford

Telephone: 0300 025 0058

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau a gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh.


Telephone: 0300 025 8099

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls in Welsh.