What are public rights of way, who can use them and how they are managed.
What are public rights of way
Public rights of way include:
- footpaths
- bridleways
- restricted byways
- byways open to all traffic
Who can use them
Public rights of way can be used by any member of the public, including:
- walkers/pedestrians
- cyclists
- horse riders
- carriage drivers
- motor vehicle users
But, the rules and procedures covering the 20,500 miles (33,000 km) of public rights of way are complex. Information about the use of public rights of way is available at gov.uk.
Managing public rights of way
Local authorities have primary responsibility for public rights of way in their areas. Their key duties include:
- maintenance
- preventing obstruction
- maintaining a legal record of rights of way
If you have any concerns or queries about a public right of way, contact the relevant local authority.