Following the severe weather across Wales, Vaughan Gething has thanked NHS, Emergency Services and social care staff as they continue dealing with the effects of storm Emma.
Vaughan Gething said:
The Health Secretary said that as the weather improves, NHS Wales will be catching up, as well as meeting normal day-to-day demand and it’s likely that some disruption to local services will continue.I’d like to thank all our dedicated staff who have kept our health and social care services going over the past few days. I have been in awe of the lengths they have been going to, making sure our hospitals, primary and community care and other essential services were able to continue operating, despite pressures from all angles.
I’d also like to thank all local government workers who ensured the roads were kept clear and the volunteers who ferried staff to and from work, or did anything they could to help in such difficult conditions, without whom, there would have been even more pressure on the NHS, social care and other emergency services.”
People can keep up to date with the latest information from local health boards, GP surgeries and local authorities through social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter.
The Health Secretary added:
I urge people to please help and choose well before deciding which service you need and only calling 999 and attend A&E for serious illness or a genuine emergency.
If people are unsure, they can visit the NHS Direct Wales website for health advice through a range of symptom checkers, and on availability of local services. Choosing Well means you and your family will get the best treatment and also allows busy NHS services to help the people who need them the most.
Once again I would like to give my utmost thanks to NHS, social services, and emergency services staff for their commitment and support during this extremely challenging period. They have shown extreme resilience under great adversity. I would also like to appeal to people who have accessed services to be patient while staff deal with the aftermath of storm Emma, as we collectively strive to ensure all patients receive the care they need.