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Health Secretary Vaughan Gething has given the go-ahead for the further redevelopment of Llandrindod Wells War Memorial Hospital.

First published:
10 November 2016
Last updated:

This was published under the 2016 to 2021 administration of the Welsh Government

The Health Secretary has approved Powys Teaching Health Board’s outline business case which green lights a total of £6.6m of Welsh Government funding for the hospital - £2.3m has already been spent on improvements to the roof and birthing centre.

A commitment to continue our sustained investment in the hospital formed part of our Budget Agreement with the Welsh Liberal Democrats for the 2015-16 Draft Budget.

The funding announced today will be used to:

  • Extend and relocate the current outpatient facilities
  • Improve patient waiting areas
  • Provide improved accommodation for day case, endoscopy and dental departments
  • Make further improvements to the newly configured Birth Centre
  • Provide relocated and improved dental department; and
  • Enhance the hospital main entrance and reception.

The Welsh Government expects to receive the Full Business Case in January 2017 with a view to works being completed during the next financial year.

On a visit to the hospital to see the redevelopment of the new birthing suites and construction of the new roof, Vaughan Gething said:

The additional money I’ve announced today will make a real difference to patients in Mid Wales, as well as the medical staff working at the hospital. It will deliver much needed improvements and, once again, we’re proud to be investing in the future of the health service here in Wales. “