Education is vital to achieving our target of a million Welsh speakers by 2050.
The resources will support the teaching and learning of Welsh as a subject in its own right and other subjects studied through the medium of Welsh for 3 to 19 year olds and will help to address the current shortage of resources identified by teachers.
The projects are funded as part of an annual budget for the commissioning of Welsh language resources. This funding will be supplemented by another £500,000 in 2018/19 as part of the budget agreement between Plaid Cymru and Labour.
Seven suppliers from across Wales have been commissioned to develop the new resources for the National Curriculum and qualifications for Wales for Art and Design, Music, Welsh; Geography; Drama; Design and Technology; History; Government and Politics; Mathematics; and Modern Foreign Languages.
Announcing the funding, the Cabinet Secretary for Education said:
We want to ensure that all our pupils, regardless of the language in which they study, have equal access to relevant, engaging and modern educational resources. These projects will ensure the gaps in Welsh provision that have been identified by teachers are filled and that learners are not disadvantaged by their choice to have their education through the medium of Welsh.
The Minister for Welsh Language and Lifelong Learning added:
Education is vital to achieving our target of a million Welsh speakers by 2050. Children and young people who attend Welsh medium schools are the Welsh speakers of tomorrow. It is therefore vital they have the necessary resources to ensure they have the best education and that the resources available to them are in the language in which they use, day in day out.