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Welsh NHS Sustainability Conference and Awards 2024, update.

Date of expiry / review:

30 June 2024.

Action by:

  • Chief executives, health boards / trusts.
  • Medical directors, health boards / trusts.
  • Research and development directors and leads, health boards / trusts.
  • Nurse executive directors, health boards / trusts.
  • Directors of therapies and health sciences, health boards / trusts.
  • Directors of planning, health boards / trusts.
  • Directors of primary care, health boards / trust.
  • Directors of public health, health boards / trusts.
  • Directors of workforce and organisational.
  • Development, health boards / trusts.
  • Directors of finance, health boards and trusts.

Required by:



Rachel Gardiner,
Climate Change and Environmental and Public Health,
Health and Social Services Group.

Welsh Government contacts:

Health and Social Care Climate Emergency National Programme: 


Four links:

  • NHS Welsh Sustainability Awards.
  • Categories and guidance document. 
  • Apply now poster. 
  • Save the date poster. 

Welsh NHS Sustainability Conference and Awards 2024, update


In 2019 the Welsh Government declared a climate emergency for Wales to help trigger more focus and greater action to meet the challenges presented by the climate crisis.

Wales has a legally binding target to deliver the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, alongside an ambition for the public sector in Wales to be collectively net zero carbon by 2030.

In 2018 to 2019 the NHS Wales Carbon Footprint was estimated to be 1,001,378 tCO2e, and these ‘health emissions’ are approximately 2.6% of Wales’ total emissions.

Although the Welsh Government has established the Health and Social Care Climate Emergency National Programme to enable the leadership and collaboration needed to deliver a net zero and climate resilient sector, it is recognised that all NHS Wales Staff are best placed to affect and support the delivery of sustainable change.

The NHS Welsh Sustainability Conference and Awards

Led by Hywel Dda and supported by colleagues from across NHS Wales the NHS Welsh Sustainability Conference and Awards has been established and launched to promote the principles of sustainable healthcare and support the incorporation of sustainable practices into clinical care.

We want you to take part.

New date

Recognising the winter pressures faced by the NHS, and to capitalise on a full financial year of project delivery, the decision has been taken to amend the date of the conference and awards.

The new dates are:

Deadline for project submissions: 10th May 2024.

The Conference and Awards Event: 13th June 2024.

This extension will enable us to embed more activities in our care pathways, further reduce our carbon emissions, and put sustainable healthcare and our obligations under the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act at the heart of everything that we do.

The ask

Please can all colleagues copied into this Welsh Health Circular cascade and promote the NHS Welsh Sustainability Conference and Awards information and the new dates through their staff networks and communications channels.

The NHS Welsh Sustainability Conference and Awards

The NHS Welsh Sustainability Conference and Awards event will be held on 13th June 2024 at The Vale Hotel, Cardiff.

The Conference: you are invited to ‘Save the Date’ and join an immersive day of exhibition and key-note speakers focussing on clinical care, carbon hotspots in your service and sustainable value.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • the Minister for Health and Social Services
  • Judith Paget, NHS Wales Chief Executive
  • Derek Walker, the Future Generations Commissioner

The Awards: Why not get involved? Submit a sustainability project to one of the nine awards categories before 10th May 2024 to have the opportunity to join this exclusive event. Read the event guidance and register your entry here!

Kind Regards,
Irfon Rees,
Director of Health and Wellbeing.
Welsh Government.