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A new Portal that has been developed to help Welsh businesses prepare for Brexit and  navigate the changes and challenges ahead has been launched by Economy Secretary, Ken Skates.

First published:
25 September 2018
Last updated:

This was published under the 2016 to 2021 administration of the Welsh Government

The new Business Wales Brexit Portal has been designed to provide companies in Wales with up-to-date information and advice on a range of crucial issues including international trading and workforce planning.

It also includes a diagnostic tool that helps businesses to identify how prepared they are for Brexit, recommends actions they should take to increase their resilience and signposts them to additional sources of support.

The new Brexit portal builds on the advice and guidance that has been provided to Welsh companies by both the Welsh Government and Business Wales since the referendum.

It has been designed to make it as easy as possible for business to access the most up to date information and support that they need.

Economy Secretary, Ken Skates said:

With just over six months to go until we leave the EU, the UK Government’s approach to Brexit means businesses in Wales are still left with far too many unanswered questions about what  the future holds.

As Economy Secretary I am committed to doing all I can to help companies in Wales prepare for the uncertainties and challenges ahead. This week we have announced multi million pound support for Advanced Manufacturing  through our EU Transition Fund to help some of our largest companies up-skill and prepare for a  post-Brexit world and I will be shortly announcing details of a further £1m to support SMEs to do the same.

The Business Wales Brexit Portal is another example of our proactive approach. It  will build on the  advice we have provided to businesses ever since the result of the referendum and  make it easy as possible for them  to access the support and guidance they need.

With advice on exporting, workforce planning, strategy, innovation, finance and people management, the Brexit portal is a practical and  comprehensive resource that will also link to information that the UK Government is supplying in case of No Deal  - which really would be a worst case scenario for Welsh business and something we are urging the UK Government to do everything possible to avoid.

These are challenging times but I hope the Brexit Portal  will genuinely help businesses as they navigate the challenges of the  months and years ahead.

Commenting on the launch of the Business Wales Brexit Portal, Ben Francis, FSB Wales Policy Chair, said:

The new portal will be a key tool to help SMEs navigate Brexit.

The portal will be a valuable tool in finding advice and providing a health check for businesses. Recent FSB research demonstrated that Welsh businesses are unprepared for a no-deal Brexit in particular, with only 15% of Welsh businesses having taken steps to prepare for this scenario. Therefore, a tool that aids businesses understanding of how they can prepare their business for Brexit is crucial for SMEs in Wales.

We welcome that Welsh Government has listened to our calls to launch the portal, and we would urge SMEs to take advantage of the opportunities to further understand the potential impact of Brexit on their business. We look forward to working with Business Wales, the wider business support services and fellow business organisations to publicise the arrival of the portal so that as many businesses in Wales as possible can take advantage of the Brexit Portal.

The Welsh Government has also developed an app to support Welsh food and drink businesses to prepare for Brexit. This will be launched by the Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths later today.
