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Wentwood Forest

Wentwood Forest is among the largest continuous woodland areas in the National Forest. The 353-hectare section owned by the Woodland Trust is part of the wider forest block managed by Natural Resources Wales, in total, stretching over 1,000 hectares.

Wentwood Forest is an exemplary good quality, well-managed woodland, and is an example of a large-scale restoration from a plantation site to a Semi-Natural Ancient Woodland. This restoration work showcases the successful collaboration between the Woodland Trust and Natural Resources Wales. 

Being one of the largest ancient woodlands in Wales, this site is significant within the National Forest for Wales network. The woodland provides a valuable green space for people to enjoy and offers a variety of way-marked trails, paths and bridleways.

Wentwood is a vital component of Wales’ ancient woodland network, contributing to habitat resilience and connectivity, while supporting priority species within the Usk catchment area. Visitors can spot the Curley Oak, an ancient landmark, and impressive southern wood ant nests that can tower up to 3-4ft high!

In the 1950s and 1960s, the woodland was planted with fast-growing conifers to provide a timber resource which is still harvested today, helping to support Wales’ timber industry.  Today, large areas of the woodland are being replanted with native broadleaves. In April 2024, volunteers with the Gwent Wildlife Trust planted an impressive 400 trees in Wentwood Forest, as part of a project to restore the woodland with native species and improve biodiversity.

Coed Cadw actively supports a Woodland Working Group, involving the community in the hands-on management of the forest. Regular work parties enable volunteers to contribute to meaningful conservation outcomes and access enhancements, fostering a sense of ownership and stewardship among local residents.

National Forest for Wales

Find out more about the National Forest for Wales and how you can get involved.