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How to apply for funding for projects to support bereavement care and support.

First published:
28 October 2021
Last updated:


The Welsh Government has developed a national framework for the delivery of bereavement care in Wales.

The national bereavement framework includes:

  • core principles
  • minimum standards
  • a range of actions to support regional and local planning

The framework recognises that there will be long lasting effects from the pandemic. It includes a section about learning lessons from COVID-19. We consulted on this framework via a public consultation.


Implementation of the framework is being supported by a Bereavement Support Grant of £927K per year (2025 to 2028).

Who can apply

Third sector organisations can apply for the grant. We want to support projects that support the delivery of bereavement care and support. Projects need to be in line with the 3 components of bereavement support described by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). All projects should be discussed with the local health board bereavement lead for the area where the project operates, prior to the application being submitted.

Proposals are welcomed from individual organisations or from a collaboration of organisations.

Grant criteria

The project:

  • must be delivered in Wales (locally, regionally or at an-all Wales level) and must be available in Welsh and support the Welsh language and culture
  • must add value to the provision of existing bereavement services and complement those already provided by the NHS, public sector or third sector in Wales
  • should demonstrate how it will address the bereavement needs of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities and other underserved and vulnerable groups, and how this will be evidenced
  • should include the provision of services to ensure equity of access to all, regardless of socioeconomic status or any protected characteristics, whilst also meeting the aims of the Public Sector Equality Duty

Projects must address as many as possible of the following priority areas:

  • address gaps in the provision of bereavement services such as those highlighted in the national framework for the delivery of bereavement care in Wales
  • meet the requirements of the National Bereavement Pathways in Wales
  • help reduce waiting times for bereavement services in Wales
  • upskilling of community leaders to develop skills to support themselves and others
  • support the needs of bereaved people in other languages, including British Sign Language (BSL)
  • support those people in Wales arriving under the resettlement schemes from Afghanistan, and other refugees requiring bereavement support
  • support those affected by international conflicts such as the wars in Ukraine and Palestine
  • the organisation(s) applying for funding must provide details of their previous experience of working in the field of bereavement care and support

How to apply

Please complete the application form. The closing date for applications is 27 September 2024.

Applications from a collaboration of organisations

When applications are submitted from a collaboration of organisations, the following information is required:

  • a lead organisation
  • evidence of a memorandum of understanding

We are seeking proposals for both specific types of bereavement and/or general bereavement services.

How will funding be awarded

We will consider applications on a competitive basis.  We will award funding to the organisations that are best able to demonstrate how their proposals support the grant criteria. We will carry out due diligence checks with successful applicants before the grant award is confirmed.

Contact details

Quality and Nursing Welsh Government

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome correspondence in Welsh.

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