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  • Colegau Cymru
  • Children’s Commissioner for Wales
  • National Implementation Leads
  • Education Tribunal for Wales (ETW)
  • Local Authorities
  • National Academy for Educational Leadership Wales (NAEL)
  • SNAP Cymru
  • Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA)
  • Welsh Government (WG)

1. Welcome and Introductions

The Chair welcomed the Group and noted apologies from five members.

2. Governance: minutes and actions from 10 April 2024

Six actions from the previous steering group meeting were discussed and closed.

3. Additional Learning Needs policy Welsh Government update

Additional Learning Needs Officials, Welsh Government provided an update on Additional Learning Needs policy and noted the Cabinet Secretary for Education attendance and priorities following the Children’s and Young Peoples committee on 8 May 2024.

An overview of the key messages and challenges from local authorities, as part of the assurance meetings was discussed.

Members were updated on two Online Individual Development Plan events scheduled to take place on the 2nd of July and 16th July.

4. Welsh Language update

The Welsh Language Implementation Lead gave a presentation on the review of Welsh Language provision in schools and local authorities.

A presentation on the review of Welsh Medium Additional Learning Provision was also shared with members, in order to provide recommendations for the review of Welsh Medium Additional Learning Provision, due in 2026.

5. Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCO) Task & Finish group update and next steps

The Chair of the Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) task and finish group, gave an overview to members of the four recommendations following the publication of the Pay and non-contact time of additional learning needs coordinators (ALNCOs) report.

6. Any Other Business

Members congratulated the Chair on their role as Director of Education in the Vale of Glamorgan.

The next meeting is scheduled for 26 September 2024.