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Cafcass Cymru welcomes the publication of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Expert Panel on Harm report and its recommendations.

First published:
21 August 2020
Last updated:

Cafcass Cymru very much welcomes the publication of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Expert Panel on Harm report and its recommendations. The report helpfully identifies the changes required within the family justice system to better safeguard and protect adults and children who have survived, or lived with, domestic abuse. Cafcass Cymru is committed to playing its part in improving the experiences of those who use the family courts in Wales, and most especially those who have survived domestic abuse.

As an organisation, we have worked closely with MoJ to ensure the voices of survivors in Wales and professionals working in the family courts in Wales were listened to and represented in the work of the panel. Cafcass Cymru is a member of the Implementation Group that has been established and tasked by MoJ to take forward, and make happen, the report’s recommendations. The Implementation Group is accountable to the Family Justice Board. We will continue to actively work with all our partners to support implementation of the recommendations in Wales.