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The Cabinet Secretary for Education has held the first meeting of the schools expert advisory group.

First published:
19 December 2024
Last updated:

The first meeting of the Schools Expert Advisory Group was held on 27 November, with an introduction to its members and a discussion focused on the Cabinet Secretary’s priorities for education. The terms of reference and membership list can be found below and updates on the work of the group will be made available through the Education Wales blog.

Terms of reference


The purpose of the Ministerial Schools Expert Advisory Group is to provide strategic advice and recommendations to the Cabinet Secretary for Education on key policy issues, initiatives, and other matters of importance within the Education portfolio. The group aims to ensure informed and evidence-based advice and challenge by incorporating diverse sector perspectives and expertise. The group does not have executive powers and will be advisory only. 


The group will focus on the Cabinet Secretary’s priorities for Education. The approach to education reform and improvement will aim to create a whole system that works for all learners. There will be a particular emphasis on mental health and wellbeing and the whole-school approach. This is fundamental to delivering a sustained improvement in attendance, educational attainment and closing the attainment gap for our most disadvantaged learners. A further priority is support for curriculum design, progression and assessment and ensuring teachers have the knowledge, resources and confidence to maximise the benefits of the curriculum. Alongside curriculum, implementation of a consistent approach to additional learning needs reform will be another important area of focus.

Across these areas, the group will consider policy development, strategic planning, programme implementation and evaluation, stakeholder engagement and emerging issues and trends within the sector.



The group will consist of 11 external members, appointed by the Cabinet Secretary for Education. No members or the chairperson are public appointments. Members will be drawn from a range of sectors and expertise. See list of members at annex A. 

Appointment and tenure

The Cabinet Secretary may replace members or fill vacancies as necessary to maintain the group's effectiveness.


The Cabinet Secretary will chair the group. The responsibilities of the chair are set out below. 

Roles and responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities of members

  • Attend and actively participate in meetings.
  • Provide informed and constructive advice.
  • Review and comment on relevant documents and reports.
  • Maintain confidentiality of discussions and materials.
  • Declare any conflicts of interest as soon as they arise. 

Roles and responsibilities of chairperson

The group will be chaired by the Cabinet Secretary for Education, who will be responsible for convening, leading and facilitating the meetings, setting agendas in consultation with members and ensuring the group’s recommendations are documented. The Chair will be supported by the group secretariat. 



The group will meet quarterly, in person or via Teams, with additional meetings convened as required. 

Secretariat support

The Education Directorate will provide secretariat support to the group, including coordinating meeting logistics, preparing and distributing meeting agendas and materials and recording and distributing minutes and action items. 


The group will provide regular updates on progress and recommendations to the Cabinet Secretary and submit a formal annual report summarising activities, findings and advice.

Review and evaluation

The terms of reference will be reviewed annually to ensure they remain relevant and effective. The Cabinet Secretary may amend the terms of reference as needed, in consultation with the group.

Confidentiality and transparency

All members must adhere to confidentiality requirements regarding sensitive information. The group will operate transparently, and non-confidential outcomes of meetings and reports may be made publicly available at the Cabinet Secretary’s discretion.


Travel and subsistence will be paid to members who attend meetings in a voluntary capacity. 

Annex A: membership list 

  • Lynne Neagle MS: Cabinet Secretary for Education
  • Graham Donaldson: The Robert Owen Centre, University of Glasgow
  • David Dallimore: Bangor University, Early childhood education
  • Melvin Ainscow: Emeritus Professor of Education, University of Manchester, Professor of Education, University of Glasgow, Adjunct Professor, Queensland University of Technology
  • Ann John: Professor of Public Health and Psychiatry
  • Gareth Evans: Director of Education Policy, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
  • Luke Sibieta: Institute for Fiscal Studies and Education Policy Institute
  • Lee Elliott Major: Professor of Social Mobility
  • Sir Alasdair MacDonald
  • Professor Alma Harris: Cardiff School of Education and Social Policy, Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • Enlli Thomas: Pro Vice-Chancellor and Head of College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Alison Peacock: Chief Executive Officer, Chartered College of Teaching