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Minister for Skills and Science Julie James has congratulated Cardiff University for attracting £10m funding for a Future Manufacturing Research Hub.

First published:
5 December 2016
Last updated:

This was published under the 2016 to 2021 administration of the Welsh Government

Thanks to previous funding from the Welsh Government, which helped establish the Institute for Compound Semiconductor Technology, Cardiff University and its partners overcame strong opposition from other prestigious universities, and secured the seven-year, £10m Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant. 

This will help establish in Wales the primary global manufacturing research hub for Compound Semiconductors, and will enable Cardiff University to establish a large-scale, multidisciplinary Future Manufacturing Research Hub to address the major, long-term challenges faced by manufacturing industries and assist in the commercialisation of early stage research. 

The Minister for Skills and Science Julie James said: 

This is excellent news for Wales. It is the first EPSRC Hub to be lead by a Welsh university, and it will be used to further develop Europe’s First Compound Semiconductor (CS) Cluster.

Innovation is a key driver of productivity, economic growth and long-term improvements in wellbeing. In these uncertain times, Wales is showing the drive and expertise necessary to develop a more innovative and successful country and promote change which will result in productivity and growth for the benefit of the economy and the people of Wales.

This announcement boosts confidence in the sector and complements the £280m announced to date to develop the Welsh Compound Semiconductor cluster. 

It makes a declaration that Wales has recognised strengths, and an achievable ambition to further our aims by cultivating newly established technologies, not just for the benefit of Wales, but as a strong contribution to economic growth in the UK.

The Hub will provide the underpinning technology for manufacturing compound semiconductors. It will address two manufacturing challenges and will fund additional staff at the Institute for Compound Semiconductor Technology.