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This consultation ended 25 April 2013.

Consultation period:
1 February 2013 to 25 April 2013
Last updated:

Original consultation

We are consulting on introducing a mandatory Code of Practice to improve reporting of the materials that are received, sorted and sent on.

Consultation description

This is a joint consultation with the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). It will be of interest to MRF operators and local authorities.

We prefer that materials are collected separately for recycling rather than collected together (co-mingled) and sorted in Materials Recovery facilities (MRFs). But half of Welsh local authorities and many commercial collectors collect co-mingled materials and sort at MRFs. 

We want to make MRF reporting more accurate and more transparent through the introduction of a mandatory MRF Code of Practice. We believe that this will promote high quality recycling.

Consultation documents

Consultation document , file type: PDF, file size: 625 KB

625 KB
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