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For the period ending March 2017, data on children and pensioners in material deprivation and low income in Wales.

Material deprivation is a measure of living standards. We define a person to be living in material deprivation if he or she is not able to access a certain number of goods and services.

DWP use the Family Resources Survey to publish statistics about children and pensioners in material deprivation in their Households Below Average Income report, broken down for UK countries and regions of England.

Data from DWP shows that:

  • 10% of children living in Wales between 2014-15 and 2016-17 were in material deprivation and low income households (i.e. households that had a total household income below 70% of the UIK average household income – before housing costs were paid). This is down from the 14% reported last year
  • 9% of pensioners living in Wales between 2014-15 and 2016-17 were in material deprivation (income is not considered for pensioners). This is down from the 10% reported last year.

Datasets and interactive tools


Nia Jones

Telephone: 0300 025 4088

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