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Privacy notice for Manage fishing permits and catch returns.

First published:
21 May 2024
Last updated:


Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with our privacy practices and why we collect and process the data that we collect from you. 

The Welsh Government will be the Data Controller for the personal data you provide.

The data we collect from you

Depending on the permit you are applying for, the information we will collect and hold from your application will include your:

  • name
  • address
  • telephone or mobile number
  • email address
  • National Insurance number
  • evidence of required Health and Safety courses
  • evidence of your home address
  • photographic ID

On occasion, where a photo permit is being applied for, we will also collect passport-sized photographs.

Why we collect your data

The processing of your data is necessary for Welsh Government to fulfil its public task and to exercise its official authority for Marine and Fisheries in Wales.

The purpose of collecting this data is for Welsh Government to provide you with the fisheries permits you request from the Welsh Government. 

Contact information is required to ensure that you receive up to date information regarding the opening and closing of fisheries, and any other important information deemed necessary for the safe management of a sustainable fishery.

Catch returns are used to assist us in monitoring the fishery in the exercise of our official duty and to provide for the future viability of the fisheries concerned.

Sharing your data

The information we collect may be shared with several Welsh Government departments, including but not confined to, Fisheries Science, Fisheries Management, and Fisheries Enforcement, for the purpose of marine and fisheries business. 

System technical administrators will not use your details in any way.

Where necessary your information may also be passed onto Statutory Bodies such as, but not confined to, Local Authorities or the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority, so they may contact you about matters concerning the regulation of fishing activity. 

Your data may also be accessed by agencies, authorised by Welsh Government, for the purpose of validating your eligibility for financial, business, or health and safety grants.

A data sharing agreement exists between the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and the Devolved Administrations to support the delivery of statutory functions and national legislation related to the management of fishing activity and associated fisheries enforcement.

Anonymised catch return data will be shared with Welsh Government appointed scientific organisations for analysis of patterns and trends to support sustainable fisheries management.

Retention period

Welsh Government will retain your personal data for 4 years from expiry date of the last permit issued.

After this time, your personal data will be deleted and your catch data will be anonymised in line with best practice, and will be used for statistical and research purposes only.

Your rights

Under the data protection legislation, you have the right:

  • to access the personal data the Welsh Government holds on you
  • require us to rectify inaccuracies in that data
  • to (in certain circumstances) object to or restrict processing
  • for (in certain circumstances) your data to be ‘erased’
  • to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who is our independent regulator for data protection

The contact details for the Information Commissioner’s Office are:

Customer Contact
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Telephone: 01625 545 745 or 0303 123 1113

The Freedom of Information Act and your information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 allow the public to ask to see information held by public bodies, including the Welsh Government. The information you provide us may be the subject of a freedom of information request by another member of the public. We would consult with you to seek your views before responding to such a request.

Changes to this policy

The Welsh Government may make changes to this privacy policy at any time, and you will be notified of any changes immediately.

For further information on your information rights:

Data Protection Officer
Welsh Government
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ
