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Terms of reference of the LGBTQ+ Action Plan Advisory Group.


From the LGBTQ+ Action Plan (p.19):

The LGBTQ+ Expert Panel, which provided invaluable help in the formation of this plan, will be refreshed and formalised into an ongoing Advisory Group that will continue to provide advice and insight to help the implementation of the plan, focusing on the needs of LGBTQ+ communities in Wales.


The non-statutory Panel will advise on proposed actions in the LGBTQ+ Action Plan. 

The Group is time-limited (until end of current Senedd term or March 2026), and its main output will be recommendations to Ministers and policy officials to inform the Welsh Government’s approach to implementing the Action Plan. 

Recognising the advisory nature of the group, Welsh Ministers and Welsh Government officials will commit to considering carefully recommendations made by the Group.


The Panel will consist of individuals, around 15 to 20 members, who will be invited for their expertise and/or experience regarding LGBTQ+ policy. 

Members of the former Expert Panel will be able to register an interest in serving on the new Panel, and new and emerging voices will also have a chance to be considered for membership of the new Panel. 

Selection of new panel members will reflect the varied groups within LGBTQ+ communities, a range of ages, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and genders. It should include groups that have been traditionally underrepresented, as identified by responses to the consultation. Additional members will be able to be considered by application through a statement of interest. Decisions on membership of the group are taken by the Deputy Minister for Social Partnership.

The term limit for this Panel and Membership is the same as the end of the current Senedd term or from December 2023 until March 2026 (c.28 months). 

The Advisory Panel will be chaired by a senior Welsh Government official. A Secretariat function will be provided by LGBTQ+ policy officials. 

Guest speakers may be invited to join specific meetings on an ad hoc basis, as appropriate.

Phased approach

To allow for a range of new voices, experiences, and backgrounds to inform the Minister’s work in this policy area, and to retain existing expertise, a phased approach has been taken.

Phase 1 (January 2024)

New individuals, advocates, and representatives from LGBTQ+ organisations in Wales, who were not part of the former Expert Panel in 2021, were invited to join an initial meeting. This will help form the core of the Advisory Group and enable individuals to familiarise themselves with the structure and mechanisms of the Welsh Government. 

Phase 2 (May/June 2024)

Options to retain existing expertise from the former Expert Panel to continue to work together until the end of the remit of the Advisory Group, will be explored. This will take into account potential changes of priorities, roles, or capacity of former members of the Expert Panel. 

Functioning of the group and reporting

The Group will meet across approximately 28 months, every 4 months, for a total of 7 meetings, to discuss issues, and provide advice and recommendations. Meetings will take place mostly remotely but with consideration given to in-person meetings where necessary. Notes will take the form of action-oriented minutes, although contributions will not be attributed to specific individuals.

Working environment

All members are expected to engage with respect for each other, for Welsh Government Officials and for any others providing input or evidence.

Discussing LGBTQ+ Policy and advice in this area can be traumatic, especially for survivors of abuse and victims of harassment or hate crime. Safeguarding measures will be required from all members if engaging directly with survivors. A disclaimer will be read as appropriate concerning sensitivity, trigger warnings and respect. Flexibility of time for the meeting will be ensured to allow conversations and sharing to flow when needed, with agendas designed and agreed accordingly.

Complaints procedure

Any complaint about a member not meeting the standards of behaviour expected from all members should be addressed to the chair or LGBTQ+ policy officials, who will discuss the matter initially with the chair.

If a complaint cannot be resolved speedily, the Welsh Government will offer mediation to ensure that the group can continue to operate effectively.

If a resolution cannot be reached through mediation, officials may make recommendations to the Deputy Minister for Social Partnership who may ultimately remove members from the group.

All decisions taken by the Deputy Minister for Social Partnership in this respect are final.