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The Interim Environmental Protection Assessor for Wales (IEPAW) oversees the functioning of environmental law in Wales. It also provides advice to Welsh Ministers to improve environmental outcomes.

If you have a concern about the functioning of environmental laws in Wales, complete the submission form and submit it to

This is an interim process in Wales while a permanent body to oversee compliance with environmental law is being developed. Its focus is on the functioning of environmental law, not on breaches of that law.

Concerns about the functioning of environmental law fall into three broad categories.

  1. The law does not deliver intended objectives and outcomes. Either because:
    1. it is outdated, or
    2. it does not function in a way which protects the environment or delivers the intended environmental outcomes.
  2. Guidance or information about the law is not accessible, or  
  3. Practical delivery of the law is impeded. For example, where there are improvements which could be incorporated as a result of advances in science or technology or where barriers exist which frustrate or prevent practical delivery of the law.

When raising a concern you will need to provide the following information:

  • which area of environmental law (and, if relevant, which organisation) the concern relates to. You should provide as much detail as possible including
    • the specific sections of Acts,
    • Regulations,  
    • other legal provisions that you consider require consideration.
  • detailed information about why you consider the law is not functioning properly.

You can withdraw your concern at any time by notifying us by email.

The IEPAW cannot consider complaints about alleged breaches of environmental law. In this instance you should pursue existing means of redress (for example judicial review), as appropriate.  You should seek independent legal advice for confirmation on what might be an appropriate means of redress.

To complain about a suspected breach of environmental law by a public authority in England or Northern Ireland visit the Office for Environmental Protection’s (OEP).

To complain about a suspected breach of environmental law in Scotland, contact Environmental Standards Scotland (ESS).